First - Part 1

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The next morning it seemed that the hunters did not need to go find her, as she was already up and her room vacant by dawn. She admired the sunrise from a high vantage point, it was so different than being at home. The red fog and twisting flora was not here, it was simple and common forests in the distance, and plains stretching to the horizon. She munched on one of the dried meat sticks she had snagged from what she assumed was the mess hall. It wasn't too bad, if a little tough.

It was a lot longer than she was used to before noticing movement over the compound once more. Eventually the drunken asses of Hondo's men dragged themselves up and about, lazily beginning their duties and struggling through their hangovers. She chuckled as she watched one of the pirates languish over how much he had lost the night before to one of his friends. When he looked over at her, she just flashed a white grin, her sharp canines glinting in the morning light. He rolled his eyes, deciding it not worth messing with her, or he still felt too messed up to do anything about it.

Hondo found her a short while later, wearing his usual white shirt and brown vest, helmet and goggles.

"So, little one," He chirped, clapping his hands together. "Are you ready to start your first venture as a bounty hunter?" He asked, a smirk on his lips. Zaiya nodded enthusiastically.

"I look forward to getting some hands-on knowledge." She stated with a grin. He let out a short laugh and placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her with him to the ship. She wondered why he seemed so friendly this morning, perhaps she was appearing useful to him. Well, if that were the case, then she would keep it up.


It was within the hour that Adaji had been dragged out of his bed by Bane and the four of them were all aboard the ship. They did have a droid with them this time, a squat little service droid that talked, unlike the cleaning droids that just beeped at her. The little bunny looking robot bounced as it walked, though it seemed uncomfortable by how the Nightsister, again in her own form, stared at it.

"She does that." Was the only thing Hondo told the droid as they had prepped takeoff.

It was an exciting moment, though memories of her friend, visions of red and black in her dreams still haunted her. She knew he was in trouble, but part of her knew he was alright in a way. She continued to reach out in the dreams, to try and prepare him for her arrival. She wanted to go to Coruscant at once, but she knew she needed more skills when it came to the galaxy itself. The great Mother had told her to train, and she would have to do so. She loathed to wait but... if she was going to reach him properly, she had to be patient. Something she was rapidly running out of.


The trip was smooth and calm, thank the Goddess, but a little boring. Cad Bane of all people was the one to teach her about blasters and the quality of them, disassembling one and showing her the parts. She pawed over them curiously, seeing how they fit together, and learning what the difference was between a good and a poor quality blaster. After a while of showing her the different pieces, he had her put it back together. With amusement, he noticed she picked up things quickly, and for all her messing about with the pirates and cute reactions to hot chocolate, she seemed to have a decent head on her shoulders. There seemed to be a drive in her that meant she was dedicated and not a total fool, despite her age. In fact, he was willing to play a game with her, and timed her on her skills on taking the blaster apart and reassembling it. Luckily for him it was a spare, so he wasn't having to rely on her skills, though it seemed that wasn't much of a worry as after a few times, a few mistakes and do-overs, she got her time down significantly, even beating him once. She seemed to be someone that he could count on to have his back... and fatten his purse if her gambling skills were anything to go by. With the disguise ability as well, she would make for a great spy. He just had to be sure she could fight.

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