Training - Part 2

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It wasn't until a few weeks later until she was summoned. She heard her communicator beeping and she assumed it was Savage or Feral, she was still in sleepwear. To her shock, he stood there. Looking back at her, a brow raised in mild amusement as she stood there with a stunned expression.

"...I..." she managed, though her voice was more of a squeak.

"Meet me at the usual roof in one hour. Do not make me wait." He instructed. After a moment of silence she nodded, steeling her expression.

"Yes, my Lord." She affirmed. She heard silence, but when she looked up, the hologram was gone. She cursed under her breath. She was in a top and underwear for Goddess' sake! This was not the image she wanted to portray of herself! She stared at him like a child caught by their parent! Fool!

No, there wasn't time for this. She had to dress, and meet him out there. She dressed in her training clothes, donning the hooded jacket and tucking her weapons to her belt. She was eager to prove to him she was worth having around. She would show him the skills she had accumulated, that she was powerful! That she could get him out of here!

When she arrived at the location, she decided to pretend that the earlier call hadn't happened, though how he got the frequency of her comm, she didn't know. Perhaps he had scanned it when she wasn't paying attention. Luckily she arrived before he did, and his presence had her head snap up toward him, He said nothing, and she knew to follow. She jumped up to the ledge, but he was already walking away swiftly. The girl darted after him, was it some kind of test? She would not fail! She dropped low to keep balance, and followed him, anticipating his direction and taking leaps and shortcuts to keep pace. Though she was still a step behind. She had used to beat him in all their foot races back home. How was he suddenly so fast!? Still, she couldn't help but grin, despite the need to keep up and the anxiety of being left behind, there was something... fun about the moment. A little nostalgic.

After a while he led her to a warehouse, somewhere in the industrial area, very quiet and without much in the way of traffic. It made sense, he was clearly in hiding, and he had admitted he had been waiting. The sith as she had learned were a bedtime story or a monster in the closets of children. Foolish. Knowing that, meant he was forced to stay hidden. To wait. It seemed his lack of patience had not been tempered in the past few years. She was glad that some of him was still the same at least.

When they finally stopped both of them were a little breathless, and as he turned to look at her, she let out a little laugh.

"It's been a while since I've had a good run." She grinned. He scoffed lightly.

"You call that running?" He asked sardonically.

"I used to beat you in a race... you must have trained so hard!" She beamed... but her expression faltered as she caught a glimpse of his face. She had seen the brief flash of pain that had crossed his features. It hit her hard to think that he had grown so powerful out of a desperate need to survive. What had Sidious done?!

"You will not be laughing when you face the creatures." Was the only response. Zaiya couldn't bring herself to make light of the situation and merely nodded. With a swift movement he led her to a sleek looking ship, beautiful and high-tech. She may have stared a little too long, but at the sound of a deliberate tap of his foot, the Nightsister followed the sith up the ramp.

On board, her companion moved to the cockpit and she of course followed.

"May I?" She asked, gesturing to the console and pilot's seat.

"No." He replied with a decided twitch of his brow, sliding into the seat himself. Zaiya dropped into the seat beside him, and reached up to push off her hood, as well as releasing the magic that made her look human. Her tattoos and Nightsister origin was more obvious. She caught his hood turned towards her out of the corner of her eye and turned to look at him slowly.

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