Training - Part 1

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It was a while before Zaiya saw him again, and her time in the clinic became busier and busier. When she did get a chance to see him, it was a simple meeting, in fact he barely spoke at all. Not even asking her anything.

She had the foresight to have brought some more of the meat skewers again, which he seemed to like. She could only infer it from the way he ate it without attempting to kill her.

She sat in the quiet of the moment, not forcing him to speak, though as she focused and cleared her mind, one thing entered it. A song she had learned. Sitting on the rooftop opposite him she turned to look towards where the light shone down from.

Her lips parted and the soft tune filled the air. The assassin stilled and his head turned to look at her. She could not read his expressions, he never removed his hood but she could not feel anger from him... at least, not excessively.

The melody hung in the air, a lingering feeling of warmth and a sense of nostalgia flooded her as she sang. It was a soft, almost haunting song in Old Dathomiri. One he had heard before, she used to sing it a lot then, though her voice had improved over time... She wondered if he would remember it. The stillness of his form told her it was possible, though she could assume nothing. She did not invoke her magic however. While she always gained strength when she sang, this time she did not push for the effect of manipulation. She just let her voice carry to anyone that cared to listen. She noticed he seemed to pay closer attention as she sang, and she felt as though there was something there, within him, that she had to reach... something that would attune to his memories. She was working purely on instinct now, whether it be intuition or the force that guided her, she just... felt it.

The girl could feel his eyes boring a hole through her, though she didn't look at him this time, just observing him with her other senses. She sang of family, one she favoured as a child, thought had changed some of the words to, the words in the old language,

"When I am blind, in my mind

I swear they be my rescue, my lifeline

I don't know what I'd do if I, if I'd survive

Without my brothers and my sisters in my life," His eyes stayed on her, there was a strange feeling in the air around them. A sense of nostalgia. When the song finally ended, there was a calm around them. This was when he finally spoke.

"My master has a grand plan." He stated softly, her gaze snapped to him from beneath the blindfold. "He will bring the Sith back into power." Zaiya stayed silent, her hands together as she listened. He had not talked about himself before, or his master before. She couldn't imagine him bowing to a master though... as distasteful as she found it, she would not interrupt. He let out a sudden sigh. "I grow weary of waiting... I want to kill the Jedi. I want them to fear me."

This confused Zaiya. Yes they were hypocritical and overly self-righteous... but this urge to kill was beyond that. She wanted to ask, but hesitated, instead asking; "What will you do?" she queried tentatively.

"I will do as my master commands... but hunting Rathtars can only do so much."

"You hunt Rathtars?" Her head perked up, she had yet to face one, but the reputation was legendary.

"If I cannot kill Jedi, I must hone my skills." He nearly snarled, yet she was not deterred.

"I have fought Rancors, but not a rathtar... if... " if that was the level of which he was, then she too needed to gain skills. Working had been enough to cover her expenses, but she had grown restless, she craved a good fight. She looked at his face again. "When next you go, take me with you." The excitement in her voice betrayed her and she was far too eager.

A Prince of Dathomir (Darth Maul x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz