"Probably the sea itself saved them and put them together again untill next trip" she chuckled.

"Well!" She stood up and clapped one time, "let's head down, you need to learn the last steps in order to go home. Come on!" 

We followed them back down to the beach. Surprisingly, (or not?) the cave from where Hyunjin and I came from, was gone. I didn't even bother to panick, I knew there was a way.

"So, first of all, how are you guys here?" Hana asked.

I pointed to the rocks, all covered by water. "There." I said. "We were sitting on the beach waiting for the tide to go down, and as we waited, an entrance appeared in the middle of the cliff, literally. We walked through it and somehow we first came out to the day I found the pearls, which  in our time was about a year and a half ago. We got inside, and when back outside, we were here."

"Amazing, you time traveled. I wish we could do that too, I'd love to see the city in your time, I'm sure it's beautiful."

"It is, I wish you could see it too." I smiled to Hana.

"I'm curious about our little shop. Is it still there?" Dong Hyun questioned.

"We don't actually live here, so we haven't seen it, but I'm sure it's there. There are also tall buildings with amazing ocean view." Hyunjin commented.

"Woah, It must be beautiful, to see the ocean from above."

"We promise it is" I smiled to them. "So, how does this work?"

"Okay. Aeri, which one is the pearl you always owned?" Dong Hyun asked

"This one" I pointed to the pearl on the right shell, which Hana was holding.

"Okay, so Hyunjin, this one is obviously yours."

Hyunjin nodded.

"Both of you, take your respective pearl and stand facing the sea."

We did as Hana commanded.

"Okay, it is very simple once you get to it, but you must concentrate a lot. Hyunjin, yours is Kanju, Aeri, yours Manju. That means, Hyunjin, you must concentrate on the Tide itself, receding. Meanwhile Aeri, you have to concentrate on the tide's flow."

"When you say concentrate, you mean picture it?" I asked

"Correct." Dong Hyun added. "Picture the tide flowing the way you want it to do so, and Hyunjin, you picture how far you want the tide to be from the shore.  You both have to really put your mind and soul to it. "

"As for the Jewels" Hana continued, "you have to hold it with your thumb and middle finger, connecting and crossing your fingers from both hands."

"It's like doing the infinite symbol, but with the pearl in the middle." Hyunjin guessed, to which both Hana and Dong Hyun nodded.

"Now, from here, it is very simple. Hold the Jewel in that position in front of you, and imagine your tides."

We did as they said. I first pictured the high tide, covering the rocks. After a minute, I started to picture the water moving gently, like calming the ocean down. The sound of the lenient water was beautiful. It came to the point where, just like the dreams, it felt extremely real, as if I was really there doing it.

With eyes closed, both Hyunjin and I eventually made it, and it felt like my task couldn't have been completed without his and viceversa. In my mind, the final picture was a gentle tide, slowly going back, uncovering the rocks and the path to the cave.

"Open your eyes." Hana said with a soothing voice.

I widened my eyes at the sight. The image I just had inside my head, actually happened. I turned amazed to Hyunjin, and he had the same expression. We both had a huge smile from ear to ear, and I must say, I loved seeing his smile.

"Now, without letting go of the pearl, uncross your hands, and hold the pearl with just one, still using the thumb and middle fingers. Aeri, move your hand gently side to side, Hyunjin, you move it back and forth, also kindly."

Again, we did as they said, and we saw how the ocean imitated our movements. It was the most beautiful and magical thing I'd ever seen, and I still couldn't believe something like this actually happened to us, it's still so unreal.

"And that is how you do it." Hana said. "I can see the path where you came from."

We lowered our hands, still holding the pearls tightly , in our palms this time. I glanced to where Hana as looking, and indeed, there was the path, and the cave's entrance was back there.

"Now what?" I asked both of them.

"Now you go back home and return those Jewels for ever." Hana smiled.

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