Chapter 32

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I remember sitting on a bench, looking out at the glistening water, the sun was setting, painting the skies beautifully in pinks and orange.

I remember the feel of the chill autumn air making me curl up my knees to my chest as I hugged myself for warmth.


Someone called for me but I only curled up further.

"Hana, you need to come home."

I remember the same voice insisting yet is was gentler this time but I couldn't make out who was calling me.

"Hana, please. I don't want you to get in trouble." The voice asked again but with more urgency but I kept my face tucked and hidden.

"Hana—!" I felt a forceful tug on my arm as my eyes met ones of so much familiarity until they morphed as the memory whisked away with the wind.

Replaced by reality I looked up to see Jungkook looking down at me with worried eyes.

"Hey. Is everything alright? You just randomly zoned out." He asked, cupping my cheek in worry, searching my eyes with his doe like dark brown ones.

"Yeah." I breathed, "I just, recalled a memory or something—" I wasn't sure what it was as I tried to ground myself and gauge my surroundings. I was sitting on one of the living room couches, seeing as my wrist device had its displays up, I was probably in the midst of something and then— I don't remember what happened.

"Well, if you're alright, I just wanted to let you know Jimin's awake." He explained rubbing my back gently, I peeked my head up at that, "do you need me to get anything for you?"

"No, no. Is he okay? Are Tae and him okay?" I asked turning towards Jungkook.

He smiled gently at me, "Yeah, don't worry they're both fine. When Jimin first awoke, the first person he wanted to see was Taehyung, begging him for forgiveness. He's promised all of us that it won't happen again and we in returned promised that we all would make it out of here." He looked down at my hand and held it with his, squeezing it for assurance. "I promise that." He said sincerely before meeting my eyes.

Had all that really happened when I was zoned out? Looking at the time it was already close to evening, what on earth happened in between the morning with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin and now—?

"Jungkook, was I always here in the living room?" I asked.

He looked at me oddly, "well, you were with Yoongi hyung for a bit here, and I guess when I went to check on Jimin, and that happened, when I came back you were still here, except— alone. Why do you ask?" He was worried, I could hear it in his voice but Jungkook had already other things to think about so I just shook my head smiling up at him, squeezing his hand back in return.

"Nah don't worry, I think I just lost track of time." I chuckled but at the back of my mind, I don't even remember the time sitting here with Yoongi, I guess I needed to ask him after this.

"Well, I came to get you if you wanted to visit Jimin? He's been asking for you actually."

"Sure." I gleamed and he helped me sit up. I closed whatever I had on my wrist device to get back to it later. And walked to the infirmary with Jungkook.

Entering the room, I was greeted with a rather tired looking Jimin, my heart ached and immediately ran towards him as he held his arms out for a hug, a tired smile on his lips. He let out a breathy chuckle when I collided with him in a hug.

"Hey Hana." He said softly.

"Don't you dare do that again Park Jimin." I mumbled in his chest before feeling it gently rumble with a chuckle.

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