Chapter 31

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I stretched myself out in bed, feeling my head pound as if I had a hangover which was strange, an arm was wrapped around me and I wondered if it was Taehyung but to my surprise and not surprise, it was a sleeping Jungkook instead.

He stirred in his sleep before blinking up at me. "Hey." His voice was rough and it was evident he didn't sleep long.

"Kookie, have you seen Tae?" I asked softly but he just shook his head, rolling over to the other side to get comfortable. Thinking he was going to say more, I heard his soft snores instead.

I realised I wasn't going to get much out of him in his sleepy state, so I got out of bed, quickly checking the bathroom or dressing room for him but he was nowhere to be seen.

Making my way out of the room without making too much noise, I left Jungkook to sleep. Jin was seen busying himself in the kitchen so I made my way over to him.

He smiled up at my approaching figure, "if you're looking for Taehyung he's gone to see Jimin."


"It'll be okay, I think Jimin probably feels as guilty or even more guilty about dragging Taehyung into things so they'll need each other when he awakes. Plus— the boy was impossible to keep away from his best friend." Jin prepped the coffee maker. "Anyway, here." He showed me a cling wrapped plate of leftover kimchi fried rice.

"You haven't been eating much Hana, skipping meals isn't good for you." He began taking out the wrap and heating it up. "Why don't you relax and settle in the dining, I'll come join you soon okay?"

I truly didn't remember the last time I ate a proper meal but my head bothered me again. "Hey Jin, could I also get some pain meds? My head is killing me." I whined.

Jin shook his head, "Tae said the same thing to me, the both of you are dehydrated. I'll get you a bottle of water too." He clicked his tongue, "you guys really should take better care of yourselves.

A small smile made its way to my lips, "thanks eomma." I said before walking off to the dining before Jin could argue back.

Walking into the dinning area I didn't expect to see Namjoon sitting there, he looked up from his wrist device with a smile, "Morning."

"Morning." I replied back and settled in my seat, "how's Jimin going?" I asked knowing he stayed with Jimin last night.

"He's doing well." Namjoon said between eating his meal, "vitals are all good and he's coping fine, should be awake soon actually. Hoseok is there with Taehyung right now, he was kind enough to take over since I haven't slept at all." He chuckled.

"Thank you Joon." I smiled up gently at him, "oh and— I guess I should say sorry for suspecting you and Jin. When you asked me if I had your keycard I got a bit defensive, I didn't realise you actually lost yours." I sighed, "then again— I'm not surprised as well." I teased and Namjoon grumpily pouted at me. He had a knack of somehow losing things, even very large things but at least we find them in the end since we don't step foot out of this place.

"Apology accepted I guess." He chuckled after a while, "Jin and I were trying to keep things under wraps but it looks like you guys were doing your own investigations that caught up with us." He smirked, "I underestimated all of you and for that, I apologise."

"Having bonding time are we?" Jin popped up with two plates of Kimchi fried rice, my bottle of water and painkillers. Jin settled at the head of the table like he usually did.

"Where's Yoongi?" I ask.

"Both him and Kook were snooping around last night, so he's probably passed out, but thanks to them we can probably access the vault today and we've uncovered something rather interesting." Namjoon smirked.

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