Chapter 20

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I screamed and instantly backed up in the shower as tears streamed down my face, my trembling hands quickly tapped at my wrist device and called Jungkook. I didn't want to leave the confines of the glass case of the shower, the only barrier between me and the horror that was beyond it.

"Hana?" Jungkook answered sounding confused.

"Jungkook— please help me." I sobbed and could I could hear the instant clatter of metal through the call as he dropped something.

"Stay on the line, I'm coming." He rushed out as I could hear him run, his footsteps echoed not too long outside the bathroom door of my room until it was pulled open abruptly releasing some of the steam built up in the room.

"Hana—?! He called out looking everywhere frantically until he found me shivering on the floor in the shower. He was so distracted in trying to find me and completely missed what was on the bathroom mirror and counter. His eyes widened at my state and quickly grabbed the towel before bending down to wrap me in it.

He held me close to his frame tightly as I sobbed in his arms, my body shivered from the cold and fear.

"I'm here now— it's okay." He gently cooed in my ear attempting to calm me down.

"S-someone was in here." I sobbed into his chest, and I felt him stiffen, he leaned back eyes wide as if asking me a silent question. "I—I'm not hurt, but look—" with a trembling finger I pointed behind him to the written word on the mirror. His eyes follow my direction until they widened at the sight.

'You forgot this'

I felt him pull away but I quickly latched onto him, "T-take me out of here— please". I begged squeezing my eyes shut not wanting to see it anymore. He silently complied and helped me up, respecting me and never leaving a lingering touch or gaze. He helped walked me back into my bedroom where he settled me on the bed, he pulled away again as I gently caught his shirt, looking up at him with teary eyes as I clutched the towel tight to me.

He gently placed his hand on the one that latched to him with a gentle smile, "I'm just going to get you some clothes. I'll be bac—"

Suddenly someone else ran into my room making me flinch and for Jungkook to step in front of me, shielding me from whoever just walked in.

"Kook— why did you just suddenly run out—" it was Taehyung and I felt myself exhale gently. I trusted him. His eyes widened as he managed to catch me crying, his eyes immediately started to Jungkook's glaring and untrusting ones."why is Hana crying?" He asked.

"Taehyung I think you need to leave." Jungkook ordered before I tugged his shirt behind he glanced back at me.

"T-Taehyung is okay. I trust him." I softly stuttered out and Jungkook paused for a moment before turning back to Taehyung with a softer expression.

"We'll explain soon, but I'll need you to turn around while I get Hana some clothes and don't let anyone else in this room, got it?" He ordered.

Taehyung quickly nodded and turned around, I heard the lock on the door and Jungkook walked off into the bathroom again to my closet to quickly get me clothes.

I flushed when my underwear was first thrown at me and then a hoodie and sweatpants, I quickly pulled them on as Taehyung stood with his back facing me and Jungkook stayed in the bathroom until I was done.

"I-I'm done." I called out meekly and Taehyung finally turned, Jungkook walked in again to sit on the bed beside me.

The fear had subsided now that I was in the company of two people I trusted but— I looked up at Taehyung.

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