Chapter 24

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A/N: Double update, please read chapter 23 before this.

"You sure you're okay to do this Tae?" Jimin asks his friend with concern as he helps him lower himself into the seat of the machine.

"It's in the past, and I got over it once, I can do it again." Taehyung says attempting to be confident but Jimin could hear his voice seep with worry.

"We'll be here for you Tae, no matter what." Jimin assured and squeezed Taehyung's hand gently before pulling back to let lower the headset onto him.

"Don't forget the promise."

Taehyung's lips curled up slightly, "I'd never break it."

Jimin then left the room regretfully his worry burned up inside him. He knew how much the death of his grandmother really affected him and how much she meant to him. In a way he hoped that Jungkook and Hana's theory was wrong that Ghost wasn't behind this.

"He'll be alright Jimin, I promise." Jin assured him as he watched him enter the observation room. Jungkook was just sitting back in one of the chairs, he hadn't said a word and just waited.

Lastly Namjoon entered the room not long after, Jungkook met his eyes briefly questioning why he suddenly looked so tired. Namjoon just flashed him a small smile before taking a seat near Jin.

"Ready when you are Tae." Jin spoke in the speaker.

It took a while, watching Taehyung attempt to calm his breathing and once he thought he had it under control, he put out a thumbs up.

Jimin bit his lip out of nervousness, he didn't feel so good, watching as Jin started the dive.

The familiar beeps and hoops sounded as they all watched the room turn dark and for the black screen to turn on.

"Do you think Taehyung will be alright?" I asked nervously sitting on Yoongi's bed as my eyes kept darting towards the door.

"He'll be alright. Taehyung is one of the strongest out of all of us mentally. He'll be able to pull through." Yoongi assured as he tapped away on his wrist device, his eyes darted all of the place.

Hana stayed silent sitting there only hearing his small taps. She was restless and she couldn't stay in this room all day, "where's Hobi?" I asked and Yoongi smiled.

"Where do you think he is?"

I thought for a moment, how would I know where he was as I gave Yoongi a quizzing look.

"His room?" I asked confused.

Yoongi shook his head before getting out of bed, "Come— I'll show you." He held out his hand and I took it.

He lead me out of the living quarters out to the hallway. Turning me to the opposite direction, I couldn't help but look back at where the Memory dive room would be. I felt Yoongi tug my arm, keeping his eyes forward.

"He's in here."

The door opened and there Hobi was, drenched in sweat, he was in the midst of training, boxing a punching bag in their gym. I gasped at the sight of Hoseok's concentration, he didn't even realise we had entered the room.

"Hey Hope, someone's been looking for you." Yoongi spoke out before pulling me forward grabbing Hoseok's attention.

He was broken out of his concentration and not long after his contagious smile appeared on his face, lighting my heart and the room.

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