3. New boss, same tasks

Start from the beginning

"Soph! Where are you kitten?" Torren asked, entering her room without asking. She was sitting on the floor, hoping that he wouldn't notice her, but he did. He smirked right away and crouched in front of her, forcing her to look him in the eyes. She tried not to but he was holding her cheeks, making her unable to turn away from him. "Why are you here? You should be in bed, waiting for me" he said it almost with disappointment. This man was making her feel bad shivers in every part of her. Her stomach was flipping upside down just on thought of him being nearby, he was uncontrollable. "We have something to celebrate" he continued. His smile wiped off of his face when he saw how bleak she was. "You won't ask me about it?" he grunted and she knew she was in trouble. He would make sure she feels his displeasure later in bed as he usually punished her for not reacting the way he wanted.

"What are you celebrating?" she almost whispered her question, but it was enough to slightly improve his mood. He smiled back again, making her relieved. If he didn't' smile it would end for her much worse than it will.

"We made our visit to Ben, you know. The guy from the south side. He sells beer out there, taking Reg's clients. We taught this fucker a proper lesson"

She quickly forced herself to stop thinking about that night further. She must have stopped for her own sake. She pinched her own skin in order to bring herself back to reality. She was again sitting in the room, closely observed by the boys who were waiting for her to say something.

"He's living in the south side. Selling beers. Makes much profit as I assume" she finally said.

"Probably. Otherwise Reginald wouldn't be bothered by him" Levi said.

"We better get going" Furlan added as he stood up along with Levi. "You can stay in here of course" he said to Sophie, but he didn't like the idea.

"No, I'm going with you" she replied and joined them as they were opening the door outside. They left the building and made sure it's properly closed. There were too many scatchy people wandering around to not care about proper protection from the burglars. "Wait, what part of city are we in?" she asked as they were passing by the same building they passed earlier that day, only this time they were walking in a different direction.

"East" Levi replied.

"We'll be there in about an hour if we keep up with this pace" Furlan added.

Sophie was getting out of breath, trying to keep up with them, but they walked just too damn fast. They had a way better stamina than she had which made her realise that if she wants to stay with them she must do something to improve her skills. She always thought that she was in good health and her abilities are beyond average, but with them she seemed like someone who hasn't been walking in years. It was frustrating, she wasn't making good impression and she needed to make it. Especially since one of them is really put off with the idea of keeping her with them. She didn't need to stronger his opinion and made the other one hesitant about her presence too. Strong people are much more respected in this community.

South side of the Underground looked the same as all the rest of the city. It was sleazy and badly maintained. The only difference was that there were a lot more merchants, it was because the greatest part of doors leading above the ground were placed in there. Sophie never actually been in here, all she saw in her life was the centre of Underground where she was raised and worked in tavern. She didn't have a need to go somewhere else. She wouldn't dare to go somewhere else. 

"Where do you think we'll find him?" Furlan asked Sophie.

"I don't know" she answered honestly which made Levi grunt in frustration. 

Silent Love, Silent Pain [Levi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now