He kisses my forehead. "I love you."

I smile up at him. "And I love you. I promise not matter what you see between me and the guys the relationship I have with them is strictly friendship. Nothing more and will never be anything more. Because I have you and I want no one else."

I can feel the rift that was between us when we first entered the room slowly start to close. He gathers me in his arms and drags me to the bed. 

"I do believe we were interrupted earlier and now that the children are all tucked away the adults can play." 

And play we did.

The alarm I set goes off waking me from my deep slumber. Ryder groans next to me in displeasure. I had warned him the third time he connected his body to mine that he would regret keeping me awake so long.  And now the time has come.

"Do we have to go," he groans into the side of my neck and wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"Yes we do," I instruct him slipping from his grabbing hands and stretching my stiff muscles. He lays on the bed giving me the sad eyes begging me to rejoin him in bed. I respond by giving him my back. 

"Fine," he mutters. The rustling of blankets reach my ears. I peek over my shoulder to discover a naked Ryder scratching his ass cheek. 

"Really?" I tease. "Just because we are on a relationship doesn't mean the sexy can't be maintained.  And watching you scratch is not maintaining the sexy."

He shrugs his shoulders as thought this was no big deal. "Then don't watch," he counters. 

I throw my hands up in the air and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. Don't want the smell of sex clinging to me at Skylar's party. I lock the door not wanting Ryder to interrupt me because then who knows when we would arrive at the party. The water warms and I slip under the spray and begin my shower routine. 

"Does this also mean I can't fart in front of you?" I hear him yell through the door. Then the door handle jingles. "You fucking locked me out over scratching my own ass."

I could handle this one of two ways. One way tell him the truth of why I locked the door or lie and maybe he won't scratch his ass in front of me anymore. 

"Sweetheart," he pleads. "I'm sorry I won't do that again." Guess by not saying anything I got what I wanted and didn't have to lie. One for Aubree zero for Ryder. 

When I finish I turn the water off and dry myself off. I approach the sink and stare at my reflection. There is a new lightness in my eyes and the dark bags under my eyes have all but disappeared. This mini vacation was exactly what I needed.

I love the excitement a tour brings, but this last one was more excitement then I could handle. I have never been more relived to have a tour end then the last one we were on and we were about to start another. At least after this one the break would be much longer so the guys can begin work on their next album, but then after back on the road.

I wrap my towel around me and open the door. A naked Ryder tumbles backwards into the bathroom on to his back. He lays there staring up at me while I stare down at him.

An evil glint enters his eyes and before I can take a step back he reaches up and pulls the towel from my body. I stand there naked with my hands on my hips. He runs his eyes over my body and his manhood awakens to stand at attention.

"Ryder," I say wryly finally taking a step back, but he halts my movement by wrapping a hand around my ankle. My body freezes waiting to see what he will do next. "We don't have time for this," I remind him even though my own body betrays my by sending a liquid heat to my core only he can tame.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin