Cute Moments

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Ivy leads a trauma class, "Infinite possibilities put the patient on the table in front of you. Now you have to figure out- will they live? Will you be able to save them? Or are they a lost cause?"


Jackson gives Ivy a neck message as she folds laundry, "I can't believe he asked for a divorce. I mean, yeah, she left the country without asking his opinion but I thought they were trying to make it work."

"Ivy, I'm sure they will be fine. I understand where he's coming from thought," Jackson tells her, kissing the back of her neck.

"Really? So if I left for my own health and sanity, you would be asking for a divorce?" Ivy turns to him, hands on her hips.

"What? No. If you didn't talk to me. About anything. Ivy, our relationship,'s open and we talk through our problems or if we don't feel like we can, we say that. From the beginning, you and I have been brutally honest with each other," Jackson reminds her.

Ivy rolls her eyes, "Would you let that go? It's been almost ten years!"

*First Time Meeting*

"I can't believe that we both got accepted to the same place. It's gonna save so much money on rent," Ivy talks to Reed in the intern locker room.

"My thoughts exactly," Reed agrees, shutting her locker.

A brunette walks up to them, "Hi, I'm April Kepner. Which resident do you two have? I have Dr. Fergan. I heard that he's kind of mean. I hope thats-"

Ivy quickly interrupts her, "Yeah, we do too. Uh, I'm Ivy. And this is my roommate Reed."

April rambles, "Its nice to meet you both, seriously, you two seem really nice and I hope-"

She is again cut off, but this time by a man knocking into her. This caused his friend to them bump into Ivy, "Hey! Watch it, you big oafs!"

"Whoa, hey, name calling is uneeded," the one who knocked into her, calms.

"Well, I'm not gonna bother learning your names as I'm sure you'll burn out or get kicked out soon enough."

"Are you sure about that? I'm more than just a pretty face," the man smiles.

Ivy smirks, "Doubtful."

He nods, "Confident. I like that. Jackson Avery."

She shakes his hand, "Ivy Shepherd."


"You called Charles and I oafs, then preceeded to tell us that it wasn't worth your time to get to know our names because we wouldn't be around long," Jackson chuckles.

"Well, how the hell was I supposed to know that we'd end up married with kids? As well as owning a hospital together. Oh, I saw that Tatiyana was having her final surgery soon," Ivy changes the subject.

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