*clears throat* Awkward

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Ivy stretches as she walks into the kitchen, hearing her brother and sister-in-law talk, "So you and Cristina are going fishing? Whose idea was that?"

"Hold up. You're going fishing without me? I'm hurt," Ivy sighs, dramatically.

"Owens concerned about leaving Cristina alone, so when I told him I was going fishing... and you hate fishing, why are you complaining?" Derek looks to his overdramatic sister.

"Its the principal. As your younger sister, you should always think of me."

Meredith ignores the siblings antics, "Right, but you haven't actually spoken to Cristina?"

He packs the cooler, "Actually, I have."

Ivy senses the awkwardness about to happen, "Right... I'mma go watch tv."

She quickly exits as Meredith asks, "You spoke to her? When?"

She makes it to the living room as there is a knock on the door and the bell ringing. She opens it to see Cristina and Owen, "Hey, Derek-"

"-Is right here. Let me grab the last of my things," he says.

The other four of them stand their, awkwardly, as Derek packs some stuff. Meredith and Cristina won't really look at each other, Owen is concerned, and Ivy, well Ivy is trying to figure out how to politely excuse herself without making things even more awkward.

Thankfully, Owen speaks first, "Uh, let me give you a hand with that."

"Yeah, and I have got to go get ready. I have to stop and grab Jackson, April and Lexie some coffee. Enjoy the fishing trip!" She dashes up to her room, tripping on her way up.

"They won't both come back alive."


Ivy takes a sip of her coffee, with a tray holding three cups in the other hand when she is almost run over.

"Whoa, hey!" She yells.

"Sorry, Baileys holding a contest for whoever has the least amount of fistula patients and I-" April apologizes.

Ivy grabs one of the coffees and holds it out to her, "Say less, go, win."

April grabs it, shoots her a smile and darts off. As Ivy turns around, she spots Jackson and Lexie speedwalking towards her. She stops them, hands them a coffee and then shoves them on their way, "I feel like a mother somedays. Oh, wait, I'm on trauma today. Yes!"


Meredith and Ivy stand at the ambulance bay when Owen walks out, "Okay, two minutes out. So, uh, you ever go fishing with Derek?"

He clearly is asking Meredith, "I'm a surgical resident. When would I have time for that?"

"You get a day off now and then."

"I spend my days off here, where she should be," Meredith sasses

Ivy doesn't think this is the time or place, "Meredith, not now."

She's ignored, "What are your plans for her tomorrow, bowling with Bailey? Cooking class?"

Owen sasses back, "Not sure, but, uh... bowling with Bailey, that sounds fun."

"Yeah, if she were flat out drunk," Ivy snorts.

The ambulance pulls up, "Trina Paiz, 27, stable. Only complaint is a lacerated ear. Pretty amazing considering she fell 100 feet into a ravine. Apparently, her husband broke her fall."

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