What is Going On?

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Brooks, Ross, and Ivy meet the ambulance, "What do we have?"

"Kayla Wayne, 32, hypotensive and tachycardic. Hypoxic even after intubation. Severe open wound to the mid and lower abdomen."

"We're with her. She's part of our act," a man and a woman, both dressed very formal, come up to them.

"I said titanic! I said it!" The woman yells.

"Well, I didn't hear you!"

Ivy and the interns don't focus on them and just roll Kayla into a trauma room. She turns to them, "Okay, slow down and tell me what happened."

He starts, "Shes my wife and-and-and assistant. Please don't let her die. We were- we were, uh, performing at a-at a trade show."

"Yeah, we weren't ready."

"Performing what?" Ross asks.

"It was saw the lady in half," she tells us.

Brooks shakes her head, "No way."

Ivy starts untying the bandages around Kaylas abdomen when blood squirts all over Brooks.

"And he really did with a chain saw!"

They immediately put pressure on it as Ivy yells to a nurse, "Page Grey or Bailey!"


Ivy leaves the patient with Meredith and Callie as she goes to the E.R., "Hi Kimmy, I'm Dr. Shepherd. I hear youre having some stomach pain."

She groans and talks incoherently, so her friend speaks for her, "She was over-served."

The other friend didn't look up from her phone as she says, "Or roofied. The bartender was a total skeeve. He tried to grab my ass."

"No, he caught your ass. You threw it at him," the friend laughs as the other one booty slams her, "Bam!"

Kimmy shrieks as Ivy touches a sensitive part of her stomach, "Sorry."

"Is she gonna boot?"

"She should, good call. You only turn 21 once, Kimmy. Boot and rally," the first friend tells her.

"Okay, need you're focus for just a second. Can you remember when the pain started?" Ivy tries to ignore all the moving around their doing.

"At Kappa Sig."

Her friend argues, "No, she was making out with Eric at Kappa Sig. I think it was at brunch."

Ivy picks up the tablet as her friend agrees, "Oh, you're right. It's probably just food poisoning or something. Can't you just pump her stomach?"

When she breathes into Ivys face, Ivy has to turn away and beg herself not to throw up. The smell is horrendous and for some reason, smells even worse than Ivys ever smelt before, "No. Can you..."

"Smile, biyatch," her friend takes a picture of her.

Ivy groans, "Uh, I need to run some tests. You'll wait for her?"

The friend with the phone asks, "How long? Cause my econ study group starts in, like, an hour."

She then vomits, causing her friend to start laughing uncontrollably. Ivy then gags before walking away and turns to a nurse, "We need some vomit clean up. Over there. And maybe over by me if I don't gain control of my gag reflex soon."

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