Unexpected Surprise

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A month had passed full of lots of breakdowns and anxiety attacks but things were starting to get back to normal.

We were getting ready to leave for Spring break. I was excited because it was going to be Valentine's Day and Ron and I were planning on doing our picnic (that he got me for Christmas) then.

I packed up all of my clothes and made my way to the fire place in the common room where everyone else was. Then we were in the Weasley's fireplace in no time. I was nervous, not knowing if my Mum would be here or not.

Mrs. Weasley was there to greet us. She wrapped me in a huge hug. "I'm so sorry dear. Your Mum's been taking some time to herself but she said she'll come to see you while your here" she whispered to me. I nodded, smiling, excited to see my Mum but at the same time, not wanting to see her upset.

We put are bags upstairs and went to the kitchen for dinner. We sat and began eating. Everyone was having their own conversations, Ron and I were sitting next to Mrs. Weasley.

"So y/n, how has Ron been treating you?" she giggled. Ron looked down at his plate, blushing. "Oh he's been amazing, he's the best" I replied grinning. He glanced up at me and smiled to himself. "Aw good" said Mrs. Weasley.

"How is Mr. Weasley?" I asked. "Oh he should be home from the hospital in the next few days" she replied.

When we finished dinner, Ron and I started cleaning up the plates when someone came through the front door. It was my Mum.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. "Mum" I said, running over and hugging her. She wrapped her arms around me "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you" she whispered. "Yeah I'm okay now but you-are you okay?" I asked. "Yes, I just needed some time t-" "I understand"

Mrs. Weasley came over to see if my Mum was okay, I went back over to Ron who was smiling at me. I smiled back. When my Mum was settled in and sitting on the couch, Ron went over and sat beside her. "Mrs. y/l/n I'm so sorry, I feel terrible for you and y/n" he said, hugging her.

I was watching from afar, blushing and giggling at how cute he was. I never would have expected him to do something like that.

For the rest of the night, we drank tea, chatted and kept Mum up to date with everything. Her and Mrs. Weasley were very pleased to hear about the ball.

"Aw did you's dance together- and I mean a proper slow set, not just jumping up and down" chuckled Mrs. Weasley. "Ehh, well we tried" said Ron, and we all laughed.

"Well I better get going" my Mum said after a while. "I'll see you in summer, I can't wait!" she said, hugging me. "Bye Mum" "Bye love" and she left.

I went to bed, happy that my Mum came. Ron and I were getting up early the next morning to go to the quidditch match which he was beyond excited for.

I was lying in bed, unable to sleep with excitement when I heard thumping and laughter from the room above. It was Ron's room. I frowned, wondering what was going on. Hermione and Ginny were both asleep. I decided to go up and see what was going on.

Outside our room, just at the end of the hall, I could see purple twinkles in the air. The Muffliato Charm.

So that's how Mrs. Weasley can't hear this.

As I was walking up the stairs, closer to his room, I started to hear music. I opened the door to see Fred and George doing some sort of dance around the room, and Ron and Harry clapping and singing along to the Chudley Canons anthem.

"What the-" "Just a bit of pre-game fun" said George. "Yeah, wanna join y/n?" asked Harry. "Ehh wh-what are you's doing?" I chuckled.

"Well I was too excited to sleep, so we decided to do this instead, come on you can join us y/n" Ron said, grabbing my hands. "Um Ron I-"

I glanced over and saw a bunch of empty sweet rappers. "Guys how many sweets did you's have, your gonna be up all night" "Oh well, I'll be up all night anyway" Ron said, twirling me around. "Ron" I said pulling away. "You need to get some sleep, otherwise you won't be able to wake up early tomorrow!"

"Fine" he replied, switching off the stereo. "Ugh what a party pooper" Fred and George huffed on their way out the door. I rolled my eyes at them and laughed.

Ron and Harry got into bed. "Goodnight boys" I said on my way over to the door. "Night y/n"they replied and left the room.

What am I going to do with them.

I laughed to myself on my way back to my room. I got back into bed and eventually fell asleep.

A/N: Hi! Can we just pretend the quidditch tickets were for the 13th of February rather than the 15th because it just works better for the way I'm planning on writing the next few chapters. Thanks! <3

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