Devastating News

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Classes started back a couple days later. We were all studying hard for our O.W.L exams.

It was late, I had been fast asleep when Professor McGonagall came bounding into our dormitory with both Ron and Harry. Harry was really sweaty and panting heavily, Ron was looking confused and worried. "Y/n, Ginny, come with me" said Professor McGonagall hastily.

Ginny and I shot a confused look to each other, then to Hermione and we shot up and followed them, Hermione staying behind.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Ron as we walked down the hallway. "I'm not sure. I think Harry's had another one of those dreams" he replied.

We entered Dumbledore's office and took a seat. Harry explained what he had seen. "I-it's Mr. Weasley and Mr. y/l/n" he stuttered. Ron and I looked at each other. "They're badly hurt, they were attacked by a snake in the Ministry-someone needs to help them!" he yelled. I gasped and looked at Ron worriedly.

"Harry are you sure it's not just a dream?" I asked concernedly. "Well there's only one way to find out" said Dumbledore, walking over to one of the portraits on the wall. He whispered something to it and the man in the painting vanished.

A couple seconds later, the man returned. "Mr. Weasley and Mr. y/l/n have been found and are being brought to St. Mungos" he stated. My breath hitched in my throat. "W-what- but I don't understand! How could Harry have seen that happen- what's going on?" I exclaimed, tears forming in my eyes.

Was my Dad badly hurt? Was he going to survive?

I couldn't even bare to think those thoughts. The Weasleys were beside me, looking stunned.

"Everyone go get some rest, we'll update you in the morning when we find out more" said Dumbledore.

We walked back to the Gryffindor common room and sat on the couches. No one said a word, we all just stared, praying that they would be okay.

I was thinking of my Mum. How broken she would be if my Dad didn't make it. And what would I do? My Mum wouldn't be able to look after me for a while until she's cheered up a bit. And Mr. Weasley. Was he going to be okay? Everyone would be devastated. I can't even imagine how upset Ron would be if he died.

Tears were starting to roll down my face. I tried wiping them away so no one would see but Ron wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered "It's okay, it's gonna be okay." We all eventually fell asleep on the couches.

In the morning, we got dressed and Professor McGonagall brought us to Dumbledore's office again. "Weasleys, I'm delighted to say that your father is making a speedy recovery and will be perfectly fine." They all smiled and looked relieved.

"Y/n, your father is in intensive care. He has some very deep wounds that they are trying to heal but they're not sure if it's possible. I'm afraid we just have to wait." I paused for a few seconds, taking it in and slightly nodded. "I will inform you with any further updates." he said.

We left his office. As we walked along, I felt numb. I felt like I had no emotions in me, as if I was in a dream."Y/n are you okay?" Ron asked. I shrugged my shoulders, looking down.

"Don't worry, he's in St. Mungo's. They'll take great care of him."                                                                    I couldn't talk. All I could do was nod.

For the rest of the day, I sat on the common room couch hoping with all my might for good news, but also fearing for the worst.

It felt like a heavy weight was on my chest, getting heavier by the minute.

It was 11 o'clock at night when Professor McGonagall came and told me to come to Dumbledore's office. Ron came with me.

I walked through the door and Dumbledore was standing at his desk. "Y/n" he said quietly. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"I'm terribly sorry to tell you that your father has unfortunately passed away due to his injuries"

It felt like my heart stopped. My ears were ringing. My legs collapsed but before I hit the ground Ron caught me, lowering me slowly with his arms around me. "No. I-it can't be true" I said, my voice quivering. "H-he's not dead he can't be-" Tears were starting to run down my face.

This has to be some kind of nightmare. He can't be dead.

Ron stroked my hair as I sobbed into his shoulder, thinking of all the memories and how devastated my Mum must be. 

I don't remember too much more from that night. I remember Ron helping me back to the common room. As we entered the portrait, all eyes went to me. Hermione and Harry ran over. "Y/n! Are you okay? What happened?" asked Hermione. I continued crying and Ron led me up to his dormitory.

All I remember from the rest of that night is me crying into Ron's chest on his bed. 

I'm never going to see my Dad ever again. If only he didn't work at the ministry. What if he had have been rescued faster?

Ron whispered things to me like "It's okay" or "Y/n I'm so sorry." It sounded like he was slightly crying too, which made me cry even more. I then must have eventually fallen asleep at some point, wrapped in Ron's arms.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry this is probably pretty sad but I wanted to make it a bit more interesting and exciting. <3

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