Underneath the Mistletoe

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It was almost Christmas at this point so all of the Christmas decorations were up.

We were all really excited to go to the Burrow for Christmas! My parents would be there too on Christmas Day because we always have Christmas dinner with the Weasleys. This year I was staying at the Burrow for the whole Christmas holiday.

Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, the twins and I were sitting on the couch and armchairs in the common room. "I'm gonna go to the library to study for our Transfiguration exam tomorrow" I said, standing up.

"Do you mind if I come with you? I haven't a clue what the exam is even on" Ron said, also standing up. "Sure" I replied. We walked over to the portrait and it opened but just as we were about to walk through, we both heard a magical tinkling sound which caused us both to look up. And to our surprise, right above us was a mistletoe...

As soon as I saw it my eyes widened. I could feel my face going scarlet. Ron was looking up too and then looked back down at me. I lowered my head, looking at him. He was bright red too. I didn't know what to do. I quickly looked over at Hermione, Harry, Ginny and the twins.

Hermione and Ginny had huge smiles on their faces. Fred was smirking and George, holding a wand in his hand...

The whole common room was staring at the two of us just standing there looking from each other to our friends with our faces as red as a tomato.

What am I supposed to do? Do I kiss him? Is that what he wants?                                                             But this isn't the right time. Not in front of everyone.

I got too flustered and overwhelmed with my thoughts and ran out of the portrait. Ron quickly ran after me. "Y/n! Wait!" he yelled, pulling my arm.

I turned around and looked up at him. We just stayed staring into each others eyes. I was trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Does he wish we had kissed?                                                                                                                                   Does he think that was as embarrassing as I thought it was?

"Ron, I can't believe that just happened" I groaned, tears in my eyes from the embarrassment. "I know I'm actually gonna kill the twins. They've got to bugger off" he grumbled. "Okay so should we just forget that ever happened?" I asked.

 He thought for a few seconds before nodding and quietly saying "Yeah".

We went to the library and tried to study but neither of us could concentrate because we kept glancing at each other every few seconds.

After about an hour we decided to go back to the common room.

When we entered, everyone was still where they were before, smirking at us. I rolled my eyes at them and went up to my dormitory as it was getting late anyways.

Hermione and Ginny followed. I sat on my bed as they rushed in the door giggling. "Ha ha guys that was hilarious" I said in a snarky tone, not looking at them. "That was the most awkward sudden mistletoe appearance I have ever seen in my life" chuckled Ginny. "Oh I wonder why" I said, still not looking at them.

"You wonder why? Y/n why didn't you just go for it?" exclaimed Hermione. "In front of the entire common room? Eh I think not! And what if he doesn't actually like me like that and had of pulled away? That would have been even more embarrassing" I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

"He does like you in that way! You heard the twins, your his true love!" said Hermione, mockingly batting her eyelids and putting her hand to her heart.

"Hermione they were only joking!" I laughed. "I really don't think they were" said Ginny with a smirk. I laughed and said "I'm going to sleep". We said goodnight and I lay down in bed.

The Christmas holidays were starting next week on the 21st of December and then we'd return to school on the 27th. I was really excited to go to the Burrow because I've never spent the whole Christmas there! I also couldn't wait for the New Years Eve party we're having when we go back, except I don't know who I'm gonna go with.

I'd obviously love to go with Ron, even as a friend, but he's probably going to go with Lavender...

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