Decorating the Tree

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The next day, there was a Christmas buzz in the burrow. The day after it was Christmas Eve so we were all ecstatic. I could not wait to give Ron the tickets, to see the look on his face as he opens the card to see them.

I wrapped all of my presents in the morning. I got Hermione two books and a really fancy quill, I got Ginny a Holyhead Harpies jersey as that was her favorite quidditch team, and I got Harry and the twins a sweets hamper from Sugarplum's Sweets Shop.

It was a tradition in the burrow to only put the Christmas tree up the day before Christmas Eve, mainly because Mrs. Weasley didn't like the mess. I walked down the stairs to see all of the boys pulling a massive tree in through the door.

I rushed over to help and we brought it into the living room. Everyone started to decorate it with lights, tinsel and baubles.

We played Christmas song on the stereo, dancing and singing along to them.

We ate toast and pâté (another tradition that even my family do as well.)

After 20 minutes, we were done except for the angel at the top. "How are we going to get it up there?" asked Harry as we all looked up to the top. The tree was so tall that none of us could reach it. Not even the Weasleys.

"We're going to have to lift someone" said Hermione.

With none of us wanting to be lifted, we looked around waiting for someone to volunteer. "Wellll y/n is the lightest" smirked Fred. "What? How would you know that anyway?" I asked. "From throwing you into the lake last year" he chuckled back. I rolled my eyes and said "Fine I'll do it". "Okay come here, I'm obviously the strongest" bragged Fred.

I made my way over to him but before I reached him, Ron grabbed my shoulder and held me back. "Eh no, you've already done enough damage to her by breaking her ankle, I don't want you to now drop her. I'll lift her" he said firmly. I looked to the floor blushing over how protective he was. "Well okay Mr. Hero you lift her. Wouldn't want to steal her off you anyway" Fred said with a wink.

Before Ron could say anything, I said "Fred shut up and mind your own business" and walked over to Ron. "Okay what's the best way to do this?" he asked. "Um maybe I should get on your shoulders to be higher up." I suggested. "Yeah sure" he replied and bent down.

I swung my leg over his neck and he slowly stood up. I wobbled a bit but he had a strong grip on my legs. "You okay?" he asked. "Yep" I replied. Ginny handed me the angel and I carefully reached across and placed it on top of the tree, balancing myself by putting my other hand on Ron's head.

I almost lost my balance and tugged on his hair a little too hard. "Ouch watch it" he yelped as I steadied myself. "Sorry! I just lost my balance a bit but it's up now. He lowered me back to the ground as everyone mockingly cheered. I laughed and gave a small bow.

Ron's face was extremely red as he stood to the side, massaging his scalp.


We all stood back, admiring the tree. I was lost in the lights as I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Ron smiling down at me. I smiled back and wrapped my arm around him, resting my head against his shoulder.

I ignored the giggles coming from everyone else as I just stared at the tree, not wishing I was anywhere else in the world but there.

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