Fresh Air

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I woke up the next morning with a tear-stained face and a headache from all the crying. I was lying in Ron's bed, lying on his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

No one else was in his dormitory. They must have slept elsewhere. I slowly moved Ron's arms and sat up carefully, trying not to wake him but as I moved, he opened his eyes. He sat up beside me, looking at me sadly. "Y/n I'm so so sorry. I feel awful" he said, rubbing my arm. "It's okay, I just feel terrible for my Mum. I wonder where she is" I said.

"Yeah. What do you wanna do? Are you hungry or do you want to just stay here?" he asked.

"Well I guess I can't hide up here forever. Let's go get some breakfast we haven't eaten in over a day" I said standing up and sniffing. I stood in front of the mirror and wiped the mascara from under my eyes.

I still couldn't believe that my Dad was actually dead. It all felt like a nightmare, but I knew I'd never wake up and I'd just have to accept it.

Ron and I walked down the dormitory stairs, his hand in mine. As we entered the common room, Hermione ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. She was crying. "Y/n I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how upset you must be" she sobbed into my shoulder.

Tears were starting to fall down my face as I hugged her back. "Thank you Hermione" I said.

As I pulled away, Harry came over and hugged me too. "I'm really sorry you have to go through this" he said. I gave him a sad smile.

"Y/n and I are gonna go get something to eat, we'll probably be back soon" implied Ron and we left.

As Ron and I walked into the great hall, everyone stared at me and whispered to each other. They had obviously all heard. Ron could tell I didn't like the staring so he just took my hand and pulled me along as if everything was normal.

Lots of people came over as we ate to see if I was okay or to say that they were sorry. Ron looked at me sympathetically the whole time as I just stared at my food.

"Are you okay? Do you need some time alone?" he asked. "No I think it's best I have some company and I don't want to let this take over my whole life. I think I should just try to move on-well not as in forget about it, but just accept it I guess" I replied.

He nodded and said "Do you want to go get some fresh air?" "Yeah that's a good idea" I said.

We went out and walked along the Black Lake. "I hope Mum's okay. Hopefully I'll see her during  Spring break" I said. "Yeah she probably just needs a bit of time to herself" Ron replied. "Yeah"

I was staring at the ground, thinking, wondering what would happen next. I could feel Ron's gaze on me. After a few seconds he said "Y/n are you sure your alright? You know I'm here if you want to talk."

I turned my head and smiled at him. "Thanks Ron but I think I just need to get my head around all of this first, all I need right now are my friends to be here for me." He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my head.

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