The Burrow

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The spinning sensation finally came to a halt and I was left standing in the Burrow's fireplace. I could already smell the sweet cinnamon and apple smell of the Burrow.

There was lots of ash in the fireplace so I began to cough as I stepped out and brushed the soot off of my clothes.

"Oh y/n dear, how wonderful to see you!" Mrs. Weasley greeted me, pulling me into a big hug. "Hi Mrs. Weasley! Thank you so much for letting me stay!" I replied smiling.

"The others can't wait to see you! Harry and Hermione just arrived this morning. Gosh you've grown so much since last time I saw you!"

"Haha I can't wait to see them too!" With that, there was a loud cracking sound as Fred and George apparated on either side of me. "Y/n!!" they yelled as they pulled me into a hug.

"Hi guys! I see you's are able to use magic now then?" I giggled.

"Yes unfortunately they are" Mrs. Weasley replied in a narky tone.

"Ah y/n how are you?" said Mr. Weasley as he entered the room. "Oh hello Mr Weasley. I'm good thank you" I replied.

"If you have any more facts about what is it the televon? I would be delighted to hear them over the next few days " he said excitedly.

"Oh yes I'll tell you all about the television later" I replied trying not to laugh at his mistake.

Suddenly I heard a thunder of footsteps running down the stairs as two girls came and flung themselves around me. It was Hermione and Ginny of course.

"Y/n your finally here!" Hermione squealed. "It feels like forever since I saw you last!" said Ginny. "I know I've missed you both so much!" I said as we pulled away from the hug.

I then heard more footsteps coming down the stairs as I heard Ron's voice.

"I'm telling you Harry, she's had to have gotten lost in the flu network at this stage. She's nearly twenty minutes la-" he stopped as he laid his eyes on me and his face lit up. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. 

 He finally cut his hair! And gosh his jawline looks so much sharper and whoa he has definitely been working out.

I was pulled out of my trance as Ron yelled "Y/n!" and we both ran to each other. He wrapped his arms around my waist swinging me around into a bear hug as a I wrapped my legs around him.

"Merlin I've missed you y/n" he whispered. "I've missed you too Ron" I whispered back. Then of course, Fred and George started wolf whistling. Ron quickly dropped me back down and cleared his throat. We both started looking in opposite directions as both of our faces turned the same colour as his hair.

"Oh will you two stop it" Mrs. Weasley glared at the twins.

Hermione and Ginny were looking at each other giggling and everyone else just went back to what they had been doing. I glanced over at Ron to find him already looking at me. We locked eyes as he grinned and said "It's good to see you".

- - -

We spent the rest of the day outside just lying on the grass talking.

"So what was Spain like? Was it hot?" asked Harry.

"It was amazing! The beaches were gorgeous, the weather was roasting and Ron you'd be delighted to hear that the food was delicious" I replied laughing.

"Haha yeah I bet" he replied.

"So Harry, what do you think the ministry is gonna do now that You-Know-Who's back?" I asked.

"Well according to the Daily Prophet, they don't believe us, they think that Dumbledore and I are lying!" Harry said angrily.

"What? That's ridiculous! I mean what about Cedric, do they think he just dropped dead?" I said.

"That's exactly what I said" said Harry.

"Harry are you prepared for your hearing? Isn't that tomorrow?" asked Hermione.

"Your WHAT"? I shouted

The three of them told me how Harry had used a patronus charm outside of school to get rid of dementors that were attacking him and Dudley.

"But they can't expel you, it was self defence!" I said.

"I know but lets just hope the minister believes that" Harry sighed.

"Dinner's ready!" Mrs. Weasley called from the back door.

We made our way inside and sat down at the table. I sat next to Ron.

"Y/n, you and Hermione will be sleeping in my room okay?" said Ginny. "Great!" I said.

We spent the rest of dinner talking about our summers and wondering who the next Defence Against the Dark Arts professor would be.

After dinner, we just relaxed in the living room. Ron and I sat at the table playing Wizards Chess.

"Do you think Harry's hearing will go well tomorrow?" I asked him.

"I honestly think it could go either way. I mean, he's not exactly in their good books anyway with all this You-Know-Who stuff." he sighed.

"Yeah. Gosh I'm so worried for him." I said anxiously. "I mean, what if he actually is expelled? What would-"

Ron put his hand on my arm reassuringly and said "Y/n don't worry, I'm sure Dumbledore would never allow that" he said softly.

I immediately felt my face start to burn up as I looked into his blue eyes. I was completely lost for words so I just managed to say "Thanks. I think I'm gonna head to bed now. Goodnight Ron" "Goodnight y/n" he replied and I ran up the stairs.

Why is this happening? Whenever Harry touches me I don't blush. Whenever Harry and I make eye contact I don't get butterflies. Ron and I are only friends.

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