The Hogwarts Express

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I had gotten barely any sleep that night because number one: Ron and two: I was excited to go back to Hogwarts the next day.

We woke up the next morning at 8am. Everyone was rushing around the house doing last-minute packing and getting their stuff together.

It was 10 o'clock by the time everyone was finished. The Hogwarts Express was leaving at 11 so we were all gobbling down our breakfasts.

At 10:30, we set off for King's Cross. Fred and George apparated seen as they were now "of age". Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I piled into the new Ford Angela. Ginny sat in the front with Mrs. Weasley and Harry, Hermione, Ron and I squished into the back seat with great difficulty.

I was practically on top of Ron which Hermione kept laughing at. I gave her discrete glares throughout the journey. I couldn't help but notice that Ron's face was really red the whole way there and he kept glancing at me awkwardly.

Oh no what if I'm hurting him. Or could he be blushing? No of course not, he's probably just really hot or something.

I shifted away slightly which caused him to look at me.

"Sorry am I hurting you?" I chuckled. "No, no your fine" he responded smiling.

We arrived after about 20 minutes of flying. As we hopped out of the car we all stretched after being in uncomfortable positions.

"You four have gotten so big! I remember when you would all fit easily with even some room left over!"exclaimed Mrs. Weasley.

We followed her into King's Cross where we met up with Fred and George at the wall that led to platform 9 and 3/4.

"You two go first" said Mrs. Weasley to Fred and George. "Bye Mum" they said in unison and ran with their luggage through the wall. The rest of us said goodbye to Mrs. Weasley and went one by one through the wall.

I always enjoyed the feeling. It was like stepping through thick air if that makes sense. As I got to the other side, I was met with the amazing view of the shining, red and black Hogwarts Express. There were witches and wizards in huge crowds saying goodbye to their parents.

As I was looking around, Hermione tugged my arm and said "Come on y/n we have 5 minutes until the train leaves and we don't want all the free compartments to be gone!" "Ouch that hurts" I yelped as she was still dragging me along

As we boarded the train we walked down the isle to look for a compartment. We were lucky to get the last free one. Ginny had gone to sit with Neville and Luna so it was just the four of us.

We put our luggage up on the luggage rack and sat down, me next to Ron, and Hermione next to Harry. "Oh Ron we have to go to the prefects compartment first but we'll be back in a couple of minutes" said Hermione rushing out the door.

Ron groaned and got up to follow her. "I see you enjoy being a prefect already Ron" laughed Harry and I joined in. "Yup" replied Ron plainly and he walked out the door.

While they were gone, Harry told me all about his hearing. He said how Dumbledore wouldn't look at him or talk to him which we both found strange. Ron and Hermione returned within 15 minutes.

They were talking about Hogsmeade when I slowly started to zone out. I had barely gotten any sleep last night so I was exhausted. Then without warning, I dozed off.

Ron's POV

We were talking about which shop was our favourite in Hogsmeade when all of a sudden y/n's head fell onto my shoulder. I jumped slightly at first because I got a fright but when I realized what it was I felt my cheeks starting to burn.

Don't make it obvious Ron. Don't blush please don't.

Harry and Hermione looked from y/n to me and burst out laughing.

"Oh shut up she's been really tired all day" I said angrily. They kept giggling for at least 10 minutes until they finally copped on.

She looked so relaxed lying there, breathing heavily and her hair half covering her face.

"Enjoying the view there Ron?" said Harry smirking.

Shit I was staring!

"Wha- I wasn- I- what are you talking about?" I stuttered. My face was definitely close to crimson right now. "Why don't you take a picture? It will last longer" chuckled Hermione.

"If you two don't shut up I'll hex you" I said through gritted teeth.

Y/n's POV

I woke up to Hermione saying "Oh we'll probably be arriving soon, we better get out robes on"but I hadn't opened my eyes yet.

How did I even fall asleep?

I then realized that I was resting my head on something-that smelled like cinnamon...

Did I just fall asleep on Ron? Oh no, this is so embarrassing.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. "Oh my god Ron I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep on you! You should have just pushed me off" I giggled. "Oh no it's fine, I-I mean the seats are really hard anyway, it would have hurt to lean on those" he said. "Thanks" I said and smiled.

"Guys quick we have to get our robes on!" said Hermione.

"Oh yeah" I replied.

Harry and Ron left while Hermione and I got our robes on and then we did the same for them.

When we went back into the compartment, we could see Hogwarts in the distance. We all stared in awe as we approached it. Seeing Hogwarts from this angle will never get old.

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