Diagon Alley

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I arrived in a shop's fireplace in Diagon Alley. As I exited the shop, I looked around.

Where did everyone go? Did they leave without me?

Then out of nowhere an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I yelped and turned around to see Ron and everyone else.

"Ron, you scared the life out of me!" I yelled. "I thought you'd never come" he chuckled. "Sorry I couldn't find my bag" I replied.

"Alright everybody, meet back here in an hour" stated Mrs. Weasley and she headed off. I wasn't sure who I was going with or if we were all just doing our own thing. Fred and George went off with Angelina, and Ginny followed them.

I turned back to face Ron, Hermione and Harry. "So" I said. "We could get a butterbeer and then go shop" suggested Harry. We agreed and went off to The Leaky Cauldron.

We sat at a table and ordered four butterbeers. "I've missed this place" said Ron. "Yeah me too" I replied. "Should we go shopping together or separately, because we don't want to see what everyone's getting each other" said Hermione.

"Yeah that would just ruin the surprise" said Harry. "Um, well I don't mind. The only thing is, it's quite busy, wouldn't it be dangerous wandering around by ourselves?" I asked. I hated crowds. "Oh yeah that's a good point" said Hermione.

"What if we just went in pairs and then we can swap when we're getting our pair's present?" she suggested. "Yeah perfect" I replied. "Well I need one of you (looks at me and Hermione) to help me pick something for Gin- eh Cho" said Harry. I tried to hide a smirk and before I could say anything Hermione said "Okay I'll come with you and y/n will go with Ron. If that's ok with you two" she said smirking at us.

"Oh yeah, cool" said Ron. I nodded and smiled. We finished our butterbeers and left. "Okay should we meet back here in 30 minutes so we can get the person we're going with's present?" asked Hermione. "Yep" I responded and went off with Ron.

"So where to first?" asked Ron.

"Eh, I don't know, I'm not exactly sure what to get anyone" I responded. "I guess we could just look around because I'm the same" he responded.

About 25 minutes later, we were already done. We were walking past Flourish and Blotts when out came the last person I wanted to see today. Lavender Brown. Ron stopped in his tracks but before he could turn around she came bounding over.

"Won-Won!" she squealed, grabbing his arm. "Hey Lav" Ron responded, smiling but looking more irritated than happy to see her. Lavender's eyes focused on me, standing there trying to look anywhere else. "Um Ron why is she here with you?" asked Lavender in disgust.

I glared at her and rolled my eyes. "Eh y/n is my best friend, why wouldn't I be here with her?" responded Ron.

Best friend. That hurt, even though I know that's probably all we're ever gonna be.

"Oh, well Ron you know that New Years Eve party we're having when we go back? Are you going with anyone yet?" asked Lavender, batting her eyelashes and leaning closer to Ron.

Please don't ask her please don't ask her.

I don't know what they even are relationshipwise. Like they went to the Yule Ball together and Lavender is obviously obsessed with Ron, but I don't know if he likes her like that. Or they could be dating for all I know, I really hope not though.

"Um I'm not sure yet Lavender" said Ron, glancing over at me. "I don't even know if I'm going" he said trying to pull away from Lavender.


"Oh, well okay" said Lavender disappointedly.

"Anyway I'll see you around Lav" said Ron. "Bye Won-Won" she replied, kissing him on the cheek. My face burned with fury. I glared at her as she pranced off.

"Sheesh sorry about that" said Ron. I gave him a small smile and looked back down at the floor. "Um, so are you and Lavender, like, dating or-""Oh no no no" Ron interrupted. "We're just um... friends?" "It doesn't seem like that to me" I said, a bit harsher than I meant to.

"Well, I mean I think she may like me a bit" chuckled Ron. "And you like her?" I asked. "No-I-no she's just my friend" he responded.

That felt like a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. "We should probably meet back up with Harry and Hermione now" said Ron.

We walked back to The Leaky Cauldron to see them waiting there. "You're late" scolded Hermione. "Well we got um, distracted" I said. Hermione grinned and I shook my head and pulled her along. "We'll see you's soon" I told the boys.

I told her what had happened. "Ugh I absolutely hate Lavender. I even hated her before she had anything to do with Ron" she said. "Yeah but at least Ron doesn't like her in that way" I said.

"Yeah, so what are you getting Ron then?" asked Hermione.

"I don't know, I want it to be something really special!" I said.

"Hmmm" said Hermione. "Wait, I've got it!" I said. "He loves the Chudley Cannons! Maybe I could get him like a ticket to a match or something!" "Yeah, that's perfect!" exclaimed Hermione.

Ron has supported the Chudley Cannons for all of his life, but he's never actually seen them play, only sometimes when it's live on the television.

Hermione and I went to the quidditch match ticket shop. It was a tiny shop with just a small counter inside. As Hermione and I waited in the small queue, she asked "So what exactly are you getting, just one for him?" "Um, I'll get him two so he's not going by himself and then he can choose who to bring" I responded.

Hermione gave me a quick, sly grin and said "Okay".

It was my turn so I walked up to the counter. "Can I help you?" asked a small, old wizard from behind the counter. "Hi, eh, when is the next Chudley Cannons match?" I asked.

"Well the next season will start in the Spring and the first Chudley Cannons game is on..." he flipped through a few sheets and scanned the page "the 15th of February, it's over the spring break" "Oh perfect, can I have two tickets for it please?" "Yes" he responded and walked over to the cupboards behind him. He searched for a few minutes and pulled out two tickets.

"Now that will be 40 Galleons please" he said walking back over. I handed him the money, took the tickets, said thanks and left. It was quite expensive but for Ron, it was worth it. He deserved the world.

"Okay we better hurry. We've to meet back with everyone in two minutes!" said Hermione. We ran and got to the place we had left everyone, just in the nick of time, to see everyone else already there. We went into the shop and used the fireplace to get home.

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