Late Night Fun

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I woke up the next morning to Hermione saying "Come on guys it's 9:00! We have to get used to getting up early seen as school is starting in a few days!"

"Ugh Hermione leave me aloneee" groaned Ginny.

"Five more minutes" I said still practically half asleep.

After ten minutes of Hermione yelling at us and hitting us with pillows, we eventually made our way downstairs for breakfast.

We sat down at the table, everyone was there except for Harry and Ron who were still asleep of course. "Oh can someone please go wake Ron and Harry" said Mrs. Weasley.

Seen as I was closest to the door, I got up and walked up the two flights of stairs to Ron's bedroom. I chuckled to myself as I heard them both snoring before I had even opened the door.

As I walked in I first noticed Ron lying flat on his back with his hand next to his face. He looked so peaceful just lying there with no thoughts.

I quickly remembered what I was there to do so I cleared my throat and said "Ron, Harry." No response, not even a flinch.

Ugh, great.

"Guys wake up! Breakfasts ready!" I said a bit louder. Harry began to stir and sat up. "Oh, okay thanks. Good luck with waking Ron up" he said as he walked out the door. "Wait can't you hel-" he was gone.

Well what am I supposed to do now.

I walked over to the edge of Ron's bed.

Should I touch him? What if he thinks that's weird? No he wouldn't I mean I always touch Harry and he doesn't find it weird.

I gently shook his arm and said "Ron". He finally started to open his eyes. "Good morning sleepy head" I joked. He quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Bloody hell what time is it?" he said in a raspy morning voice.

God why does he sound so ho-y/n stop!!

"It's 9:15, breakfast is ready" I said and that got him straight out of bed. When we got to the kitchen we sat down at the table and straight away I see Hermione and Ginny both smirking at me. "What?" I whispered to Hermione sitting next to me.

"What took so long?" Hermione giggled. I rolled my eyes at them. "Nothing! They just wouldn't wake up!" I whisper shouted back. They both started laughing to themselves and I just shook my head, trying to hide a smile.

For the rest of the day, we finished off summer homework and by that I mean Hermione and I helped Ron and Harry finish theirs. We were leaving for Hogwarts the day after the next so we also started packing.


That night, I woke up at around 1am. I was really thirsty so I went downstairs for a drink to see Ron sitting at the kitchen table. He turned around and saw me "Oh hi y/n what are you doing up this late?" he asked.

"I just came down for a glass of water. You?" I replied. "Well I couldn't sleep but now I'm kind of hungry" he said. "Of course you are" I laughed shaking my head.

I took a glass out of the drawer and filled it with water. Ron pulled a spray whipped cream can out of the fridge and started spraying it into his mouth. "Ron that's disgusting" I chuckled. "So?" he responded. He walked over beside me.

"You left the tap running" he said pointing behind me. "Oh oops" I turned around and turned it off and as I turned back around I was hit in the face with a hand full of whipped cream. Lovely.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!!" I shouted before realizing that everyone was still asleep. He was dying of laughter. I grabbed the can out of his hand and started spraying it on his hair but it didn't really work because he just dodged it.

"I actually hate you sometimes" I groaned trying to wipe the cream off of my face. "Sorry I had to, I mean it was the perfect opportunity" he said still laughing.

"Is it gone?" I asked after wiping for about 2 minutes. "Um you've just got a bit there" he said pointing above his lip. "Oh" I said rubbing the part he was pointing at. "No just the-here" he said as he moved closer and wiped the whipped cream from just above my lips.

When he was finished we locked eyes. We stood there staring at each other for what felt like hours.

Oh my god are we actually about to kiss right now?

But just before I thought something was gonna happen, he cleared his throat and said "Eh I-I think I'm gonna head to bed now" he backed away and said "Night" walking out the door.

"Night" I called after him. My heart sunk. I really thought we were about to kiss but I guess I was stupid to think that. I could feel my eyes burning with tears but I just blinked them away. I grabbed my glass of water and walked back up the stairs to bed.

A/N: Hi guys! I hope you're all enjoying my story so far. Please leave comments because I would love to hear your feedback and I like reading them. Thank you! <3

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