But I didn't make it very far because he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back. He turned me around and we were inches away. ''Why are you acting so weird?'' he asked monotonously. ''I'm not,'' I said nervously and tried to get my arm out of his hold. I tried my best not to look at him. ''Yes, you are. You are ignoring me. You can't even look into my eyes,'' he said.

''I'm just- just...'' I started. ''Just what, Bella?'' he asked and grabbed my arm again.

''That's none of your business,'' I said and pulled my arm back. I walked away and got out of the rink. He didn't follow me.

I walked out of the school and to my friend's bench. I walked up to them and said 'hi'. We talked for a bit and I didn't know if I should tell them what I saw yesterday. I don't wanna lie to them but I don't wanna die either.

I chose not to tell them. It's better for everyone.

The bell rang and we made our way to our class. ''Bella are you okay?'' Nova asked me. ''Yes, why?'' I asked nervously. ''You are looking really pale,'' she said. ''Don't worry. I just haven't had much sleep yesterday,'' I lied.

She shrugged her shoulders and we continue walking to our class.

It's lunchtime. The girls and I are sitting at our usual table when the boys joined us. ''Hey, girls,'' Jordan greeted us. ''Hey, guys. What's up?'' Aaliyah asked them. I ignored them and continued eating my salad.

I felt someone poke my side and when I turned my head, Axel was staring at me. ''I'm sorry,'' he said and I nodded and continued eating. He was apologizing for this morning, I guess. I heard him sigh. ''What is going on with you?'' he asked me.

''Nothing,'' I chuckled nervously. ''You are lying,'' he said and I shook my head. ''I'm not,''

''Listen, whatever I have done to upset you please don't ignore me,'' he whispered. I turned my head and furrowed my brows. ''Why do you care if I ignore you or not?'' I asked.

He placed his hands on his face and started rubbing his face. ''It doesn't matter,'' he mumbled.

The rest of our lunchtime I didn't talk to anyone. I didn't wanna talk to Axel or the boys. I was too scared.

The bell rang and we all made our separate ways. I had a free period so I went to the library and spent my time looking at books that I could read.

To be honest with me I was trying to avoid my overthinking. I was trying to distract myself with stuff that I like.

I went to the romance section and looked at the books there. I tried to grab a book from the shelf that was high up, but I couldn't.

''Do you need help?'' I turned around and there was Axel standing with his arms crossed over his chest and he was leaning on the other bookshelf behind me. ''N-No,'' I said nervously.

''Isabella, what is going on?'' he walked towards me. I shook my head ''Nothing. I'm just really tired,'' I lied. ''You, should know that I'm really good at seeing if someone is lying or telling the truth. And you are lying,'' he said and stopped right in front of me. I backed away so that he and I have space between each other.

I gulped. ''I-I'm not lying,'' I stuttered. He chuckled and took another step closer to me. I backed away again but the shelf was behind me so I couldn't back away further. ''Isabella, what happened? Did someone do something to you?'' He asked.

It's more likely what I saw.

''It's nothing. I just didn't sleep well,'' I admitted. I mean I'm not lying I didn't sleep at all. ''What are you doing here?'' I asked him. ''I skipped because I was looking for you,'' he admitted.

''Me? Why?'' I asked him. ''Because I wanna know what happened,'' he said. I nodded.

It was silent between us for a few minutes until I felt uncomfortable and said ''I- ehm... I have to go,'' I said and moved to the side. ''Be at the parking lot after school. I will drive you home,'' he said and I nodded. I walked away from him and out of the library.

I met Axel at the parking lot after school. I didn't have practice today so I left school earlier. I got into Axel's car and he started driving. There was a comfortable silence between us throughout the drive.

''Are you hungry?'' he asked me out of nowhere. I shook my head. ''No, I ate already,'' I said.

''Okay,'' he said and made a turn to the left. I knew that wasn't the way to my house so I knew he was going to the diner. I didn't wanna upset him so I just went with it.

We reached the diner and got out of the car and walked up to the diner. He opened the door for me and I went inside. I got startled when I fell his hand on my back while pushing me gently towards the empty table in front of us.

I sat on the chair and Axel sat in front of me. I took my phone out and saw my Mom texted me telling me that she'll be home at 6 pm. It was 4 pm.

''What do you wanna eat?'' Axel asked me. I looked up and saw Mara standing beside us. I gave her a quick smile and said ''I don't wanna eat. Can I just have a chocolate milkshake?''

''Of course, hermosa,''(beautiful) she said and smiled at me. She walked away and I turned my head towards Axel who was already looking at me.

''What?'' I asked.

''There is something you aren't telling me,'' he assumed. ''Like I once said even if I have something that's none of your business,'' I stated. He narrowed his eyes on me and mumbled ''You're my business,''

''What?'' I asked with furrowed brows. ''Nothing,'' he said monotonously.

Mara came back with our milkshakes and left afterward. Axel and I didn't talk while we were drinking our drinks.

After that, we paid the bill and left the diner.

He drove me home again and when I got into the house I called out for Alessio. ''Alessio? Where are you?'' I dropped my bag on the floor and made my way upstairs. I knocked on the door of Alessio but he didn't answer. I opened the door and his room was empty. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

I went downstairs again and made myself something to eat.

After that, I watched some movies on Netflix and chilled. A few hours later, the doorbell rang and I stood up. Alessio would never ring the bell. My Mom has her keys.

I furrowed my brows and walked up to the door. I opened it up and saw no one. I took a step out of the doorstep and turned my head left and right. I was about to close the door when I saw an envelope on the doorstep. I grabbed it and went inside with it.

I opened it up and read it.

Privet (Hello) Dear Isabella

Watch who you trust. Even your dearest friends can betrayal you.
Here's a little piece of advice, sleep with one eye open because I'm coming for you. Good luck Isabella. We will meet each other soon.

- D. Koroljow

What the hell? Who is this?

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