chapter 28

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Finally the meeting was over, Vincent denied the deal that Jack proposed. Ava wasn't sure why he did so and she didn't intend on asking him why. Vincent is smart and he had his own reason for not wanting to partner with Jack. "Here Vincent" Ava said as she handed him the file. He looked up at her then simply nodded. Walking back over to her desk she was about to sit down when Vincent stopped her. "It's lunch time Ava, let go get something to eat" he said and Ava nodded then walked up to him. "Let's go then" he mumbled. Ava followed him into the elevator.

When they got to the 14th floor where everyone was seated eating their lunch. "If you don't want to eat anything here we can go to a restaurant" he said to her and Ava shook her head telling him it's okay.

As soon as Vincent walked in everyone became quiet, their eyes immediately landed on Vincent then Ava. She felt a little uncomfortable that everyone was staring at her. Vincent's phone started ringing and he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"Shit" he cursed and Ava wondered what happen.

"Ava I have something urgent to do, I'm going to the bank will you be okay?" he asked and Ava nodded. Vincent quickly walked out and Ava sighed as she looked around.

"Yeah I'll be fine" she said softly and he nodded and walked away. Everyone continued staring at her and she tried her best to ignore the stares. Walking over to the table she picked up some fruits, a cupcake and two slices of pizza, looking around she hummed to herself wondering where she should sit. There was an empty spot near a woman sitting down with long black hair and she was brown. Walking up to her Ava sighed.

"Can I?" She asked and the woman looked up and smiled.

"Ofcourse" she smiled and Ava sat down then smiled. "My name is Veronica" she introduced herself then held her hand out for Ava to shake.

"Thank you, my name is Ava, Vincent's New PA" Ava said then shook her hand. Ava could hear whispering behind her and she looked over her shoulder only to find three girls sitting around a table while laughing at her.

"I mean who is she, Vincent didn't even introduced her to us" one of them said.

"I would've been better as his PA" the other said and Ava started fiddling with her fingers.

"It's okay Ava don't listen to those bitches" Veronica said as she ate a spoonful of yogurt. I sighed then smiled. "They are like that because Vincent didn't choose them as his PA, everyone wants to be his PA so they can get close to him cause you know" she said then used her elbow to touch Ava's arm "he's hot" she said and I pursed my lip. "It seems to me that Vincent likes you, the way he looks at you" Veronica hummed and Ava smiled.

"He's my boyfriend" Ava said and her eyes widen.

"Are you serious, so you're that mystery girl everyone wants to know about" she said and Ava started playing with her fingers. "And I'm the first to know lucky me" Veronica said jokingly and Ava nodded. "I like you Ava I think we can be good friends" she said.

"Yeah" Ava agreed, then began eating her cupcake. Few minutes later Ava was finished eating standing up she straightened out her clothes, as soon as she turned around she bumped into someone. Looking up she saw that it was one of the girls who were gossiping about her. "Oh, I'm sorry" Ava said softly and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Who are you? And what did you do to become Mr. Williams PA, he doesn't choose soft people like you" she said and her followers came marching behind her.

"Leave her alone Janie" a guy said as he walked past her.

"Shut the fuck up idiot, I run this place when Vincent is not here and I would like an answer from you" she said to Ava.

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