Chapter 25 - All lies, darling

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Ivory's POV:

My brother vanished into the darkness. My friends were absolutely terrified of me and family. With Draco still standing by my side, I went on with the rest of my story.

"I may have some explaining to do.", I stated, glancing around.

Their eyes were full of tears and regret. They looked heartbroken and mostly powerless. It was something I never thought would actually happen. In my dreams, similar things happened, but they stayed dreams. This was all real. My old self was running away all the time. After all, no one would've cared about this version of me. So I hid, like I was told to do. But eventually it was time to accept that this is my future.

"When I came to Hogwarts, I got sorted into Gryffindor. Well, that's what we made you all think."

"You're a Slytherin...", Luna stuttered as she spoke, feeling betrayed.

"Clever girl.", I smirked as I walked up to her.

I lifted her chin up with my wand. She held her breath and didn't dare to look away. I observed her expression. She didn't seem to have a sense of fear at all. Luna was always the brave one, just like me. Showing emotions is hard for both of us.
"I always liked you Luna, you are just like me.''

"I thought I was just like you too. But that isn't true. You only pretended to be someone you're not." A tear fell from her eye.

"Don't worry dear, I won't hurt you." I touched her long blond locks with the tip of my wand. I turned back around, leaving room for Luna to breathe.

"I won't hurt any of you."

"But me...", Draco mumbled.

I looked over at Draco and walked back to him. My hand stroked over the black suit he was wearing. "You won't even feel it Draco, it will all be over soon.", I whispered in his ear. His body tensed up and I felt his heart pounding in his chest. The rest were ready to attack me if needed. With their wands pointed at me, I felt victorious. Hopeless souls, how pathetic. I can see my younger self in them.

"All of you, leave! And don't you dare to get help.", I shouted, pointing my wand at Hermione and the rest. They all rushed down the stairs. Fred and George waited at the top of the stairs and looked at me once more, "Goodbye Ivory...", they whispered.

When they sprinted off, Draco was alone with me again, just as I wanted it. He turned his back on me and leaned over the railing while I kept an eye on the others, who were making their way down the stairs. As soon as they left, it was showtime.

Draco's POV:

I felt numb from crying for so long. The moonlight reached my pale skin as I admired the misty view once more. The silence in the room made me feel even more anxious, the only thing you could hear were crickets chirping in the distance. I turned my back on Ivory, and rested my arms on the railing of the balcony. The wind blew through my hair. I was thinking about so many things. My head couldn't keep it straight anymore. I couldn't get over what my own girlfriend just revealed. The sound of heels clicking on the wooden floor echoed through the tower.

"You look lonely, I can fix that...", her soft voice spoke. I felt a soft hand wrapping around my waist. I looked to the side and stared into Ivory's eyes. She rested her head against my shoulder, and held my hand. Fear entered my body again, but I wasn't physically strong enough to walk away from her. Who knows what she can do, apparently she isn't the girl we thought she was.

"I need some time alone, Ivory."

"You know Draco, you really are so easy to fool.", she chuckled pulling up her sleeve, revealing a dark mark.

My jaw dropped again. "How could you do this to me...?", my voice cracked up.

"I told you, I can make anything happen. Or should I say, he can make everything happen?", she smirked.

"Desperate souls are always the ones they are looking for. Just like me and you." She was so close to my ear, I felt her panting on my neck.

I got goosebumps all over my body. I gasped while letting go of her hand, squinting my eyes, hoping that it was all a dream, the same one as I had before. But it wasn't, this time it was all real...

The smirk on her face got bigger every time I looked back at her. "Come on Draco, we knew all along that your pathetic little soul would be blinded by my love for you."

"You probably thought that this was a dream come true..., but you're wrong." She leaned closer to the edge of the tower.

Ivory handed me a black box with a ribbon on it. "Draco you forgot one thing.", she said. It seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw it before. I carefully unwrapped the box. "What is this?", I asked opening it.

"That's my diary, you should have opened it when I gave it to you, Draco

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"That's my diary, you should have opened it when I gave it to you, Draco."

The box she gave me when I turned 18. I remember... Why did I save it for later? This could have saved me a lot of things. I quickly took a glimpse into her diary, seeing all these things I would have never guessed that they would be about her. The unusual art work gave me the shivers. My whole life, I spent time alone. Abandoned by my own my father. Then I found the love of my life and she was involved with my family without me even knowing?! How is that even possible?

The tears rolled down my cheeks, my body completely frozen. She then grabbed my arm, and a little laugh escaped her mouth. I dropped the book on the floor when she pulled me in. Ivory turned around and leaned backward. Her back was now against the railing of the balcony. She pulled me a little closer to her, "Any last words, Draco?", she softly chuckled.

"Ivory you can't, that's not fair, I liked you... I really liked you." My voice was cracking up as I tried to speak. "I fucking turned myself inside out liking you!", I cried.

"You did like me?", she mysteriously said.

"Yes, yes of course I did!"

"Don't you feel guilty doing this to me?" I had a hard time swallowing the huge lump I felt in my throat. It made me feel like I couldn't properly breathe anymore.

"Guilt? I don't feel anything, Draco. It's all lies, darling." Her eyes literally showed no emotion, like she was numb. I closed my eyes as she leaned even more backward. "I knew you would fall for me Draco, that was my plan all along.", she said, pulling my waist against hers.

My black suit caught the wind, as we were falling...

I pulled her waist closer to mine, tightly holding her, even though the things she said ran through my mind over and over again. "Is time going fast enough for you now, Draco?"

I looked at her one last time.

"I loved you..., Riddle."

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