Chapter 3 - Soft spot for you

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*The next day*

Draco's POV:

Because of what happened with Ivory yesterday, I couldn't sleep at night. My body was completely restless, as was my mind. I really don't know why I care so much about her. Caring is not one of my best traits. And also, not even starting on the fact that I smelled her in that love potion. I mean, after that night at the Astronomy Tower, it was no longer surprising to me who I would smell. However, I've never truly fallen in love with anyone before.

She said she smelled grass, not sure if I believe her pathetic lies. Ivory is probably trying to make me jealous and get on my nerves. I cannot deny that her filthy plan succeeded. Ivory doesn't seem like a Weasley type to me anyway.

I sat at the Slytherin table, waiting for her to walk into the Great Hall. Surprisingly, she didn't show up today. Her Mudblood friends sat at the Gryffindor table behind me. They were laughing and cheering because that Pottah had done a good deed again. After they had finished cheering, I leaned back to listen in on their conversation. Which was hard to follow because Pansy was laughing loudly next to me at Blaise's joke. I did however catch a few words that sound like they might be about ivory.

"Draco? Are you even listening to me?" Pansy tapped on my shoulder.

"Shut up Pansy." I scoffed annoyed. She backed away a little after becoming silent.

"What's up with you today, Malfoy?" Blaise said, getting protective of Pansy.

"None of your business Blaise." I stood up while shoving my plate over to him.

"Oi, are ya keeping secrets from us now, huh?" Blaise shoved the plate back at me, giving me an intense stare.

After mocking his sentence, I walked over to the Gryffindor table, completely ignoring Blaise and Pansy who were calling me back.

"Granger, I'm sure you know where Ivory is."

Hermione already looked annoyed when she watched me come over to their table.

"Why do you care, Malfoy?"

"Watch the attitude, Granger.", I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"If you give me one good reason why you want to know where she is, I'll tell you." Ginny joined the conversation.

"No don't tell him!" Hermione immediately disagreed. Ginny looked at her, hesitating if she should tell me or not.

"Stop the games, where the fuck is she?" I slammed my hands on the table.

"Ask us no questions, and we'll tell you no lies.", Fred and George replied in sync. That pissed me off even more. Her friends are useless, no wonder everyone calls them the 'golden trio'. First place for being pathetic.

"Pathetic mudbloods!"

I stormed out of the Great Hall, on my way to find her myself. She was probably just in her dorm. Where else would she be hanging around so early in the morning? I entered the Gryffindor common room. Other houses weren't allowed to go into other common rooms, but I just had to check up on her and forget about all my worries. I could somehow feel that something wasn't right.

All the dorms had numbers, I once heard Ginny say that they had dorm number 5. It was difficult to walk up the stairs quietly. The wooden steps creaked with every step I took. The hallway smelled musty, and everything was decorated in red, such a hideous color. When I found it, I knocked on the door.

Ivory's POV:

I didn't feel like going to the Great Hall for breakfast today. There was only one reason for that. I did not want to see Draco after he found me crying yesterday. He was sweet and all, but I don't know if he really cares or if I am just falling for one of his foolish jokes like every other girl. Also, I felt kind of embarrassed, no one had seen me cry before. Usually, I try to stay strong and pretend nothing is bothering me. But that's just one big lie.

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