Chapter 7 - Just you

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*Two weeks later*

Ivory's POV:

I can't believe it has already been two weeks since our arrival at the cottage. Time is going by so fast, yet I enjoyed every minute of being here. I want to stay here forever with him. We did so many fun things. I even taught Draco how to ice skate. Oh yeah, that story about ice skating was funny.

*Two weeks ago before going ice skating*

Draco's POV:

It was our first day at the cottage. We were cuddled up in bed. I kissed her, and she relaxed into me. We were about to watch a Christmas movie. Her head was resting on my chest. Out of nowhere, she jumped up out of the bed. "Omg I have an idea, Draco!"

"What's that love?" I frowned, getting comfortable again after Ivory scared the shit out of me.

"We should go ice skating!", she exclaimed, getting her snow boots out of her trunk already. She threw a coat and scarf at me before I could say anything. "You're going to have to make up for that.", I scoffed. She smirked and pulled me off the bed by my arm.

Ivory's POV:

I felt so safe and secure with him. I never thought Draco would have a soft spot for me, but he clearly does. I was so pumped up to go ice skating that I was already putting on my snow boots before he could even agree to go.

*Going to the ice skating rink*

"It's freezing!" I shivered. Draco pulled me even closer to him as he put our hands in his pocket. I could already feel myself warming up. Because the cottage was in the middle of nowhere, we had to walk quite far to get to the nearest village. After we finally arrived at the ice skating ring, I grabbed both of us a pair of skates and searched for a bench where we could put them on. I glanced over to Draco, who was just gazing at them.

"Draco come on, put them on!", I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm nog sure how to put these on Ivory." He was clearly annoyed, and observed how I was putting mine on. His attempt to stand up had already gone wrong. He almost lost his balance. I burst into laughter, and everyone was looking at us.

Draco's POV:

I groaned in frustration, "Those filthy things are trying to break my ankles!" Hearing her giggle made everything seem less bad. Ivory waddled over to me in her skates, and took my hands to pull me off the bench. "Stop complaining Draco. It's going to be so much fun." I admired her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

As soon as we stepped onto the ice, I almost slipped again. She had already skated away, making spins, and doing amazing tricks. This girl is literally capable of doing anything. The wind blowing through her hair, the smile she had on her face, how perfectly she skates. It made my jaw drop. It made me feel so lucky. This is my special girl.

Ivory laughed when she saw that I was still in the same spot she had left me. She skated back to me.
"What are we waiting for, Mr. Malfoy?", she grinned. She knew I hated it when she called me by my last name.

"Just looking at my princess for a minute. Is that not alright?" I pulled her in by her waist, as I towered over her.

"I think you have spent enough time looking at me. Face the truth Draco."

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