Chapter 4 - Winter

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*That same day*

Ivory's POV:

I walked through the castle. I wondered if I should go meet Draco in his dormitory like he told me. I had heard he was toxic so I wondered what would happen if I disobeyed him. As I walked through the halls to the Gryffindor common room, people wearing scarves and gloves ran outside.

I stopped and looked outside for a while. My body tensed as I felt someone grab my arm. I gasped, but my breath was quickly interrupted by a hand covering my mouth. My first thought was Draco. Surprisingly, when I turned around, that wasn't the case. Fred and George Weasley stood in front of me with huge smiles on their faces.

"Ivory! Are you up for some fun?", they said in unison.

"God boys, you scared me!"

"Are we really that terrifying? I mean, if you look at George we know the answer.", Fred joked looking over at him.

"Fred, we're identical.", George replied, nudging his shoulder.

"Stop the chattering boys." The two of them shut up immediately. "Uhm... well anyway, sure! I am up for something fun." I continued where they started.

The twins took me outside. A big smile appeared on my face when I saw that it was snowing. I adore snow, winter is probably my favorite season of all.
I was still slightly amazed by how much snow fell in such a short time. But soon the twins hit me in the face with snowballs.

"Hahaha got you!", they laughed.

I wiped the snow off my face and put on my gloves. I bent down to form a snowball. When I was done, I aimed it at them and threw it. The snowball landed on George, and immediately became competitive after throwing it.

"Now the show is on twins!" I started scraping all the snow together to form more snowballs.
We had a major snowball fight and everyone joined. I had a lot of fun and forgot about everything for a moment. There was even a small crowd hyping me and the twins up. Draco also went out with two of his friends to bully a student. I threw a snowball in their direction. He saw it coming from me and smiled at me.

My gloves were soaked from the melting snow, yet I didn't hesitate once to go back inside. It was just way too entertaining. My clumsy self slipped and fell face first in the snow. Everyone laughed at me, and so did I at myself. It felt like my eyelashes froze off, it was so cold! I was laying there anyway, so I made a snow angel. George decided to join me. We looked at each other and busted out laughing again. Mine did look better than his.

After a while, my lips started to turn blue

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After a while, my lips started to turn blue. Ron and Harry took me to the Great Hall so I could warm up. The twins threw one last snowball at me, but they missed due to my great dodging skills. I laughed looking back at them once more. "Game is over boys!"

We got some hot chocolate with marshmallows, and saw everyone decorating the castle for Christmas.
There was such a cheerful sphere around Hogwarts these days, it was wonderful. I decided that I was going to meet Draco after all. What's the worst that could happen anyway?

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