1. Girl with green eyes

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You could never say if it was day or night in the Underground. The only light that people in there had was given from candles or oil lamps that some lucky persons had in their homes. Only in particular places, on the higher levels of this forgotten by God land, a small amount of daylight could be noticed via a holes in the sealing.

The only way they were tracking time was by observing movements next to the doors leading above the ground. If merchants were coming through them or a lot of Garrison soldiers were wandering around them meant that above them was day. When the amount of visitors got smaller it meant it was night.

At the time when the story begins it was a night time. Merchants from above already left this disgusting place and were probably on their way home, where their wifes were cooking dinner for them and their children waited for a bedtime story. Garrison members were doing their last watch on the main streets and were locking the doors to the outside. Those doors won't be opened up until the next morning.

It meant that every lawlessness that was happening in there was about to increase as soon as the Garrison will leave the place. It was the time when Levi and Furlan could easily shift around the streets without a threat of being caught red handed. They already had difficulties with military, they didn't need another trouble. They were just doing what everyone in there had to. They were trying to survive at all cost.

"We should pay a visit to Reginald" Furlan said.

"Tsk, that pig?" Levi cringed hearing man's name. He deeply resented Reginald. "There's always trouble with him"

"But he pays good" Furlan opposed. He was right, Levi just didn't like it.

"Remember boy, you will meet in there all kinds of disgusting worms shaped as humans, but you can't afford making them your enemies, right? Not in this place. Worms always find their way to win. It's better to reason with them than fight" Kenny said to the young raven haired boy that was under his charge.

Boy was eating a bread that he bought him. He was so malnourished that he was awful to look at, but Kenny still tried to keep an eye contact with this child. Kushel, why couldn't you take better care of him? That thought was haunting Kenny, but he brushed this it off and focused on the present. Boy was devouring all of Kenny's words, ready to use them. That man above him was strong and feared. He could tell by the looks others were giving him. He wanted to be seen as him. It would definitely help him survive. He just needed to implement  that man's life knowledge to his own life.

"Fine, let's go" Levi finally said and they turned to the left side alley that was leading them to Reginald's tavern. It was one of the best looking buildings in this part of Underground which was speaking for itself about the man's position, richness and power. With such a status came a great responsibility, meaning he always needed to scare, bribe, blackmail or beat someone and he was willing to pay good for doing the dirty job. Both Levi and Furlan didn't mind doing the dirty work as long as they were going to be paid for it. They needed to eat something. Especially if they wanted to remain in a shape that was good for fights. They entered the building and saw many, already drunk people sitting across the main hall.

"Oi! Levi, Furlan. Long time no see, huh? What brings you here boys?" Reginald yelled from the back of the room, where he was sitting comfortably surrounded by his guards.

"Is he stupid? He knows exactly what brings us" Levi grunted and Furlan placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't say anything stupid, Levi" he said, barely moving his lips as he was trying to smile widely to Reginald. Levi tightened his lips, but remained silent as they approached the man.

"Here, take a sit" Reginald pointed at the launge in front of him and they sat there. Levi was looking at him carefully, only sometimes glimpsing at his guards, trying to estimate how dangerous it was in there. Just in case.

Silent Love, Silent Pain [Levi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now