Chapter 84

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*second person p.o.v.*

Madara raised his hand into the air. The ground broke into rocks and flew up into the air and gathered into multiple giant balls. "This is the six paths' powers?" Sakura asked looking up. "He's way bigger than before and there's more of 'em." Naruto replied also looking up. "Stop getting distracted by what's above! His shadows are on the ground with us!" Sasuke exclaimed. The rocks from above suddenly came rushing down. "Here they come!" You shouted. "The shadows as well!" Sasuke also shouted. "Leave them to me!" Naruto made shadow clones. His shadow clones ran and went for the shadows. "I'm headed up. Be careful." Sasuke said to you as his susanoo went up to the oncoming rocks. You scoffed. "L/n style: plasma ball!" You said. You jumped up to one of the rock raindrops and slammed the plasma ball into it. It exploded into thousands of small pieces.

You gathered lightning into your katana and struck some of the rock raindrops. You stopped and cut through many more of the raindrop shaped rocks. "It's like it never ends!" You shouted. You landed on one of the falling rocks that split apart from on of the rock raindrops you stopped. You focused chakra to the soles of your feet and pushed off of it. You made another one of your plasma balls and exploded another. You continued to strike the falling rock raindrops. You glanced up at the moon and had to do a double take. "No...this...the infinite tsukuyomi...." You muttered. You landed back on the ground beside Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi. "Naruto, is there a way for you to stop those meteorites?" You asked. He made rasen shurikens with a tailed beast bomb instead of a rasengan. "Don't worry, i'll pulverize all the meteorites with these next!" Naruto reassured. Naruto threw them up and hit the meteorites. Sasuke's susanoo suddenly landed behind you four.

"Sasuke, don't head down here so suddenly! I could've hit you with my rasen shurik- hey! Land more softly too!" Naruto shouted. "Just shut up and stay still!" Sasuke shouted back. Sasuke's susanoo's wings covered you five. "What's going on outside?" Sakura asked. "What difference will it make knowing that? There is nothing you can do right now." Sasuke replied a bit harshy. "Sasuke...that's not the point. Y/n, Naruto and i also want to know. In order to analyze our next move, Sakura is..." Kakashi trailed off. "'re being just like Sakura now. Just be quiet for a bit." Sasuke spat. You quickly took out your katana and held it to Sasuke's neck, pushing it hard enough to draw a single drop of blood from his neck.

"Speak like that again, say that again in that tone of voice. Just because we used to be teammates does not mean you act like that around us. I don't care about the history we had. If you continue to be like this, i won't hesitate in slicing your head off. We need to work together as a team to bring Madara down. Your arrogance isn't helping." You said. Sasuke only stared at you silently. "You're right...there's nothing i can do right now...if you can analyze what's outside with your left eye, should be the one to lead team 7's five-man squad." Kakashi said. "Huh?! I doubt he's better at planning than Y/n, Sakura or you! I'd rather listen to Y/n's orders than Sasuke's!" Naruto exclaimed. You took the blade off of Sasuke's neck and glared at him. "Anyway...Madara has activated his jutsu. It's a powerful genjutsu. I suspect everyone outside has fallen under its spell. We might be the only ones.....left unaffected." Sasuke explained while wiping the drop of blood you drew from your katana. Sasuke glanced down at his hand where blood was smeared before he looked over at you who was still glaring at him. "Hn." Sasuke smirked. 'Hn my ass.' You thought with a scowl.

"The infinite tsukuyomi, huh?" Kakashi muttered. "So right now, everyone's..." Naruto trailed off. "Inside a dream." Sasuke replied. "So when can we get outta here?" Naruto asked. "It seems the genjutsu runs on moonlight. Which will gradually wane. But as long as there's light, it's useless." Sasuke said. "Damn it!" Naruto mumbled. The susanoo around you all disappeared and chakra spewed up from the ground. "It's chakra!" Sasuke said. You all looked over at Madara who was absorbing all that chakra. "This is really bad, Sasuke, Y/n! This chakra is much stronger than the ten tails!" Naruto exclaimed. "Stop them before they move!" Sasuke said. You, Naruto and Sasuke ran at Madara. But white hair wrapped around you before you could attack. "Like three moths flying into the flame...i'm going to absorb all of the chakra out of the three of you right now." Madara said. He suddenly grew bigger.

"D-damn!" You stuttered. Madara turned into a lady with long white hair, byakugan eyes, pale skin and had a sharingan in the middle of her forehead. "Isn't she...isn't she the one super gramps talked about? Kaguya.." Naruto trailed off. "Otsutsuki?!" Sasuke finished. "Kaguya Otsutsuki?! Is that who she is?!" You asked. "I-i think so!" Naruto replied. She threw you three back. You quickly got to your feet and cut the hair reaching out to you again. Sasuke and Naruto were thrown back again. "Naruto! Sasuke!" You shouted. Kaguya walked passed you and made way to Naruto and Sasuke. You froze in your spot. She continued to walk to Naruto and Sasuke with her long white hair flowing behind her. "What are your intentions?" Kakashi asked. ", you said shinobi. It's futile to speak to you about that, when all you do is tamper with chakra, without knowing it's true meaning. This place, this my precious nursery. I cannot let it be damaged any further. Let us stop that is." Kaguya said.

You suddenly were all transported somewhere with lava. "I shall all here..." Kaguya said. You were free falling when suddenly, you felt a hand wrap around your waist and pull you close. You landed on top of Sasuke on a bird. You stared into his onyx eyes while he stared into your e/c ones for a small moment before you realized your position you and he were both in. You quickly pushed yourself off of him and sat, a small blush painting you and Sasuke's faces. "Sasuke! Over there!" Naruto said pointing to Sakura and Kakashi. Sasuke's bird flew down and caught Naruto instead. You got up from your sitting position and grabbed Sasuke's shoulder."What are you doing?!" You shouted at Sasuke. "Help them, not me!" Naruto also shouted.

You looked over at Kakashi and Sakura to see them hanging off a scroll. "Kakashi tied one end of a scroll onto a kunai and used it like a rope. As for Obito, he just pinned him to the wall with a kunai, however..." Sasuke trailed off at the end. "Way to go, Kakashi sensei!" Naruto cheered. "Yeah. Nice save." You added, forgetting how you were standing while holding onto Sasuke's shoulder for balance. As you almost lost balance, Sasuke grabbed your wrist and pulled you down before you fell. Pulled down onto his lap. "Stop being so clumsy. You almost fell." Sasuke grumbled. You got off his lap and sat beside him. "You didn't have to pull me onto your lap, you know." An irk mark appeared on your head. "You should be thanking me instead." He snapped. "Yeah, i'd rather not." You retorted back. "Guys! Now's not the time!" Naruto shouted.


There's going to be a timeskip between this chapter and the next.


(1305 words)

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