Chapter 55

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*second person p.o.v.*

You and Jiraiya swam to the surface and were met by all the pains surrounding you. You looked around at all the pain when suddenly, they all jumped up and choked you and Jiraiya. 'My throat...!' You thought. You and Jiraiya were slammed into a concrete piece floating in the water. You screamed out in pain. The pains stabbed more chakra rods into you and Jiraiya. Shiroi watched from afar, he wanted to go help you two out, but he couldn't go against his word with Jiraiya. "Hang in there Y/n girly!" Shima shouted. "I-it h-urts s-so b-bad." You stuttered between pants. "Don't worry Y/n girly, we will save you and Jiraiya! Just hang in there! Don't die!" Shima shouted again. With all your strength, you got up shakily on your elbows. You looked down at Jiraiya.

"H-hey, master J-Jiraiya. Wake up. You remember what you told lady Tsunade, don't you? You said you'd promise nothing would happen to you or me. So don't you dare close your damn eyes! Naruto needs you, don't die on us now. Giving up is not an option." You choked out. Jiraiya's hand started moving and he slowly got up shakily. Fukasaku jumped off his shoulder and took off his cloak. "Oi. What are you doing? Master Jiraiya?" You asked. He ignored you and continued to write numbers on Fukasaku's back. The pain's started going back. The signal was given to Shiroi and he started running over to you.

Shiroi took you and Fukasaku in his mouth. "Oi! What are you doing Shiroi?! Get master Jiraiya! Help him! He can be saved! Jiraiya!" You cried reaching out your arm. He smiled at you weakly. "I'm sorry, Y/n. Tell Naruto and Tsunade i'm sorry. I couldn't keep my promise. Oh, and smile more for me while i'm gone, would ya?" Jiraiya said. You started crying even harder, managing to grab Jiraiya's hand. One of the pains set an explosion aimed at Jiraiya. And with that, the concrete piece was blown to bits with Jiraiya. "NO!" You screamed before Shiroi poofed away.

Shiroi poofed to where his home was and set you and Fukasaku out of his mouth. You sat there with your mouth agape and tears streaming down your face. You started sobbing loudly, ignoring the pain in your stomach. "Damn you Shiroi! I could've helped him! You left him there to die! Why?! Why Shiroi?!" You yelled out in frustration. Shiroi looked away guilty. Raion walked over and stared confused. "Why is she crying?" He asked quietly. "She just lost someone very dear to her. Let her cry it out. She will eventually pass out and then you can take out the rods impaled in her and heal her. She needs to let out all her pent up emotions." Fukasaku said. And what he said did happen. You passed out and you were now laying on the floor unsconsious. They called a medical lion over to heal you. In that same day, you were all healed. You just were sore, bruised and tired.

You slept for a night there before you woken up. Your eyes snapped open and adjusted to the light. You slowly sat up and looked around. You were laying on a leaf bed close to Fukasaku's. The memories from yesterday all suddenly came flooding back. You silently cried into your hands, accidentally walking up Fukasaku. He looked at you sadly. "Y/n girly. We should leave soon. Lady Tsunade needs to be informed of this." Fukasaku said. You sniffed and got out of the bed. You nodded and grabbed Fukasaku. He sat on your shoulder as you walked over to the lions. "Yo." You said mono tonelessly. Shiroi looked over at you and walked over. He bowed down in apology.

"I'm sorry for not saving Jiraiya. I was going to, but the explosion would've killed all of us. I just wanted to say that i'm truly sorry." He said. You sighed. "I don't forgive you. But we're still cool." You said. He got up and smiled. "That's relieving." Shiroi said. "Oh, me and lord Fukasaku are leaving. How do we leave?" You asked. "Ah, just hop up on my head and tell me where you want to go." He said. You and Fukasaku got up onto his head and sat. "To the main gates of the hidden leaf? Or Mt. Myoboku?" You asked Fukasaku. "Mt. Myboku. You can wait here while i grab some fellow toads, we can walk to Konoha." Fukasaku said. "Yeah, gives me more time to stall from telling lady Tsunade and Naruto the news." You mumbled.


You stood in lady Tsunade's office with Fukasaku, Sakura, Sai, Shizune and some toads. Kakashi was getting Naruto. A few minutes later, Naruto walks through the door. Your breathing starts to get heavier. You didn't want to see Naruto's reaction. Lady Tsunade gives you a comforting look. "Hey, Y/n! You're back from the mission! I'm glad to see you're doing fine!" Naruto smiled. You averted your eyes and nodded. "Yeah..." You mumbled. Naruto turned to look at everyone around the room, his eyes landing on Fukasaku. "He's the other student of Jiraya boy?" Fukasaku asked. "Yes, his name is Naruto Uzumaki. The 'child of prochecy' you mentioned." Lady Tsunade answered. "An old geezer toad? What the hell?" Naruto said. "Hey, watch your mouth Naruto! This is lord Fukasaku, one of the two great sages of Mt. Myoboku. He came all the way here." Lady Tsunade said.

"Well, to be more accurate, i am a great sage toad. But nevermind that. You are, without a doubt, Jiraiya boy's student." Fukasaku said. "Jiraiya boy? 'Boy'?! You talk as though the pervy sage is a kid! Who does this geezer frog think he is?!" Naruto said with his finger pointed at Fukasaku. "I said to watch your mouth!" Lady Tsunade shouted. "Lord Fukasaku is the one who taught sage jutsu to master Jiraiya. He is master Jiraiya's master." Shizune said. Naruto widened his eyes and Fukasaku started laughing. "Pervy sage, eh? What a fitting nickname for Jiraiya boy." Fukasaku laughed. "So what does this geezer sage want with me?" Naruto asked. "I'm not sure where to begin. But let's see...Y/n girly. Could you tell him yourself? You're his closest friend, aren't you?" Fukasaku said. You tensed and slowly made eye contact with Naruto. "I'm sorry, Naruto. I truly am. And i hoped i wasn't the one to tell you....but, master Jiraiya...he died in battle." You said. Naruto widened his eyes. "Huh? Wh-what are you talking about?" He said.

"I know this is sudden, but i don't blame you if you don't believe us. For quite some time, there were rumors that the leader of the Akatsuki was in the hidden rain village. Jiraiya boy and Y/n girly went in person to uncover the truth about these rumors." Fukasaku said. Sakura looked over at him. "The leader of the Akatsuki was in the hidden rain village?" Sakura asked. "As i recall, that village is diffcult to infiltrate. A village closed to the outside world." Sai said with his hand on his chin. "Yes....however, master Jiraiya was very skilled in infiltration and esponiage tactics." Kakashi nodded. Fukasaku explained what happened between the battle pain vs Jiraiya and Y/n. During midst conversation, Naruto let his anger take control of him. He walked up to you and grabbed you by the collar. "Why couldn't you save him?! Did you get the chance to, or did you just leave him?! You were with him, weren't you?! Answer me!" He shouted at you. Everyone turned to you two. "Did you forget?" You quietly asked.

"Did you forget that i was also one of his students...?! You think that i wanted for him to die?! I tried to save him! But i was too late!" You shouted back. "Then you should've tried harder!" Naruto paused. "Do you know what always annoyed me? You're always wearing this expressionless look on your face." Naruto finished. "Naruto-" Kakashi was cut off by you. "Try harder?! I did! Pain was a powerful opponent and have you even considered what could've happened to me?! I could've died too! And i almost did! I was beaten until i had barely any chakra left, i had three rods impaled in my abdomen! Soon enough, i had 7 rods in my abdomen! Your bestfriend and first friend could've died! I felt exactly like you do now when he died! And if my expressionless face annoys you so much, then i'll leave you alone. I'll try to avoid you as much as possible if you don't like it so much. I'm a jonin now, i can have my own team and work on missions by myself, without you." You snapped.

Naruto stood there with his eyes widened. Everyone had the same expression. You ripped his hands off the collar of your shirt and walked away. Before you left through the door you turned around with tears rolling down your face. "Just know, i only hide my emotions because i don't need people like you to worry about me. It's easier that way. But of course you misunderstood. Don't worry, they all do. Just wish you didn't." You explained before slamming the door shut. You got out of the building and into your house. You slammed the door shut and locked it. "Dammit!" You shouted, slamming your fist on the counter, leaving a dent. 'Damn you, Naruto. This is why i hoped i wasn't the one to tell you about Master Jiraiya, because i knew you'd react this way.' You thought running a hand through your hair.


I cried the whole time while writing this, and i know Naruto would never react this way, i just wanted something sad, and you all get to suffer with me. 😀


(1663 words)

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