Chapter 31

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*second person p.o.v.*

You opened the door to your house and walked in, taking off your shoes. "Hey, i'm home." You announce. You walk into your living room to see your parents chatting. "Oh, hey Y/n!" Your mother says. You give her a small smile and sit down. "What's wrong?" Your father asks. "I got promoted chunin today." You say. "Oh that's great! Wait, then why do you look so sad?" Your mother asks. "It's nothing. Sasuke just said something mean to me, that's all. He and Naruto tried to kill each other on top of the hospital roof too." You reply. Your mother gives you a hug. "Sasuke probably didn't mean it." Your father comforts. "Maybe. Maybe not." You shrug. "Why don't you take your mind off things and go grab things for dinner?" Your mother suggests. "Okay, i will. What do i grab?" You ask standing and grabbing a pen and paper. "We're having noodles tonight, so grab some noodles, lettuce, bean sprouts, shrimp and cilantro, please." Your mother says. "Okay! I got it all down." You say smiling. You run out to the door and hastily put on your shoes. "See you later!" You shout heading out the door.

You went to the store and looked for all the things. You found noodles and cilantro, but you couldn't find the other things. You went from store to store, looking for all the things for dinner. The sun went down as time went by. You walked out of the store you were just in and sighed out in content. "Phew. All done. Now, time to go home. I didn't think shopping could take this long!" You say walking home. As you were walking, you heard some commotion not so far away from you. You followed the noise to see Sasuke and Sakura chatting. "Thank you for everything, Sakura." You heard Sasuke say as he knocked her out. 'What? Why did Sasuke knock Sakura out? Why does he have a backpack on?-' your thoughts were interrupted by Sasuke calling out to you. "Y/n. I know you're there." He said. You put down the bag of groceries and walked up to him. "Where are you going?" You ask. "I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't mean what i said earlier today." He said hugging you. You smiled and hugged him back. "It's fine. I forgive you. Just don't do it again." You reply. Sasuke pulled away from the hug and kissed you.

Your eyes widened. You melted into the kiss and kissed him back. He pulled away soon after and gave you a small smile that seemed sad almost. "I'm sorry Y/n, but i'm going to leave to Orochimaru. I need to get more powerful to kill my brother, Itachi. Please don't bother coming after me." He said. Never has your smile been gone just as fast as it had now. "W-what?" You stuttered. "I'm sorry. Orochimaru has the power i need. Forget about me and move on. Please." He pleaded. "You can get stronger here with me. You can get stronger in the leaf village instead of becoming a rouge ninja. Please stay here." You begged. Your grip on his shirt tightened. He gently took his hands in his and kissed them. He slowly let them go. He brought two fingers up and tapped your forehead. "Maybe next time." He gave you a small smile as he brought his hand back down. "You said you promised..." you said as he turned his back away from you, leaving the village of Konoha. Tears streamed down your face and fell, leaving the ground wet where the tears dropped. "I'm sorry. Forgive me." Was all he mumbled as he felt his own tears well up in his eyes. You fell to the ground on your knees and cried into your hands. 'Just know i love you.' Sasuke thought.

After an hour of crying there, you had gotten up and brung the groceries home. When you got home, your mother brung you into a bone crushing hug. "Where have you been?! It's been 3 hours! What happened?!" Your mother asked. "Sorry. I had to go to 4 different stores to find all of the needed things." You said quietly. "Then why are your eyes puffy? Have you been crying?" Your father asked while taking the groceries. "Sasuke just left the village. I feel totally fine." You say as tears sprung into your eyes again. Your mother and father gasp. "Oh, Y/n. I'm so sorry." Your mother says while hugging you again. Your cried into her shoulder. You fell asleep while crying so your father carried you into your room and tucked you in. You were tired from all the crying and fell asleep.

*Sakura's p.o.v.*

"Hey, wake up! You'll catch a cold sleeping in a place like this." I heard someone shout. My eyes fluttered open. The memories of last night's event start coming back to me. "Huh! Sasuke!" I shout while sitting up. Tears well up in my eyes and i start sobbing.


After making a promise with Naruto, i start walking around the village with dried tear stains on my face. I suddenly gasp. "Y/n! I have to tell her the news!" I shout. I get weird stares from around me but i could care less. I run to Y/n's house and rapidly knock on her door. The door opens to show what i'm assuming Y/n's parents. "Hello! I'm Sakura Haruno, one of Y/n's teammates! I have some important news to tell her! Sasuke has left the village!" I quickly say. They give me sad smiles. "I'm sorry hunny, but Y/n when she went to get the groceries last night, she walked across Sasuke and had a talk with him. He left soon afterwards and now Y/n's in her room, not wanting to come out. She won't eat either." Her mom says. "May i see her?" I ask. "I doubt a talk would cheer her up, but you can try." Her father says. I nod and take off my shoes, heading into her house. I admire her house as i walk down the hall, knocking on the door that i think is Y/n's room.

"I'm not hungry mom." I hear Y/n say. "It's me, Sakura. Can i come in?" I ask. She doesn't answer. I slowly open her door to see her wrapped in her blanket, laying on her bed. I walk over and sit on her bed. "Y/n, you should eat and get out of bed." I say worridly. "I don't want to." She mumbled. I gently take the blanket off of her to see her eyes puffy and red. "Oh, Y/n." I say while pulling her into a hug. She starts sobbing. "Why does it hurt so much? Why do i care for Sasuke so much? All he ever did was push me away." She said between sobs. 'She loves him but doesn't know it...' i thought to myself. "Y/n, i think you love him. It's obvious you do. As much as I love him, it seems you care for him more than i do. I'm sure he loves you back, Y/n." I say while smiling sadly. 'As much as i love Sasuke, Y/n and Sasuke have something between each other that me and him clearly don't have. Y/n's not a fangirl of his. That's the difference between me and Y/n.' I thought. "Come on Y/n. Get up. Let's go have a girl day. Let's get your mind off of Sasuke." I said while taking her arm.


Did you know, i'm a Sakura stan? ^_^'


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