Start from the beginning

Alexandra's brown orbs widened with fear and betrayal, "...what?" She murmured under her breathe, looking at her brother in disbelief.

"I understand your liking for girls but, do you think the society will understand that?"


"Do you think they will support you? No."


"I say you improve your reputation and make some money."


"That way, you have an addition to this family."


"Don't be just a spoiled brat, move."


"Do you understand, Alexandra?"


Alexandra's eyes were still wide as plate, she stared up at her brother's mask. That same smiley face, that fucking smilet face. That irritates her.

"But brother-"

Her head flew to the side as Alexander's hand land on her cheek, her cheek stung as it was already colored red.

"Do you understand, Alexandra?" He repeated.

Alexandra can only look at the ground, tears dared to fall in her eyes any minute. She can only nod as a tear fall out of her brown orbs.

"Yes, brother."

Alexander smiled in triump, adjusting his mask as he turn around to leave. Before leaving the room, he stopped and looked at his shoulder.

"I suggest you to hold a tea party, that way you can improve your reputation."

She only nodded in defeat.

Years passed, hundreds and hundreds of tea parties were held at their mansion's garden. Always wearing fancy dresses everyday and their faces always being showred in make up.

The poor girl had gotten used to it, the constant boring snitching of her guests, the constant rumors they tell to each other that always bore her. They were boring.

This was boring.

Tea parties weren't always her style.

She found parties boring, always have to sit down to that boring chair and have to entertain her guests. It was boring for her.

However, after all those tea parties she had held. Her reputation didn't lie, she was one of the popular people in her town, and she did not like it one bit.

She just wanted to be free, this feels like improsining. This does not feel fun at all. She just wanted to do the things she loved, swordsmanship, being a marksman, joining the military and venturing the world.

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