04:you can't give up now

Start from the beginning

I heard Brandon get out of the car, then he came over to hold my hair up. I finished and we just looked at eachother.

"Let's get going"
"Andrea, we have no where else to look. Everything is leading to a dead end!"

"You don't think I know that?"
He turned around as his hands rested on his head, he stood silent. I scoffed at his response.

"Brandon if anything happens to those girls-"
"I know Andrea!" He shouts at me.
"I should have never let my kids get into this-"
"Our kids!" He cuts me off.

"My kids!... they're mine Brandon. Mine and Kai's"
"Kai isn't even here! He left! Those girls... they call me dad" He whimpered.

"I know, because you're their father figure but you're not their actual dad. Im sorry Brandon but, when we get the girls back... we're leaving. The girls and I are going home"

"Are you serious!? After everything we've been through, all the things we've accomplished together..."

I shook my head as tears streamed down my face. "Oh my god. This is about Kai, isn't it?"
"Brandon I-"
"God I should have know you weren't over him!"

My phone rang, I picked up.
"What do you want!" I shout, not even realizing that it was Elena who called me.
"We just received another letter. Someone already sacrificed themselves for the twins"

"Kai. Here, I'm sending you the adress"
She hung up and I received the message. I was confused on how Brandon was still okay.


We drove as fast as we could and made it to a hotel lobby. Then I see him, Kai. "Mommy!" The twins yelled, running up to me and Brandon. I hugged the the girls as tight as I could.

"I'll uh, let you guys talk" Brandon said, grabbing the girls and going back to the car.

(play the song)

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked sternly.
"Andrea I- I swear I didn't"
"You are the coven leader. How did you not know that your own coven kidnapped my kids!? Before you anwser that. How is Brandon still alive?"

"I unlinked him from me. I had vampire blood in my system, and I killed myself infront of my coven. That's also how I'm still alive. I'm in transition"

"But, I'm also here because I wanted to see you. I knew you kept the twins because well, you know, parent-kid connection. But, I'll leave you alone now, I see you're with Brandon"

I scoffed.
"Its not like you ever tried to stay" I told him. (srry i feel like this screamed pick me lol)
"That's not what happened. I needed time to think! I-"

"No don't pull that bullshit! You left. You left as soon as you heard I was pregnant with twins, you just ran off. You made things so complicated. And for what! So that you could just come back all of a suddedn and want to meet the kids? Thats not how this works!" I shout.

"I GET IT! Alright!? I fucked up! Have your feelings really changed that much? Do you not want me here?" He asked,

"No, the feelings are still there, like before the kids. Im just too scared to let them show because I feel like you are going to break me again. And I can't fall apart, at least not right now"

"You're right. You shouldn't have to" He replied, turning around.
"Dammit Malachai! You can't just walk away!"
"Why not!?"
"Because I'm calling it!"

"This." I said sternly, slipping the promise ring he gave me, off my finger and showing it to him. His face softened, "You still kept that?"

"Of course I did. I've been wearing it the past five years. Because we made a promise, no running. It was either you were in or out. And you left with a maybe."

"It was after the girls' second birthday that I knew you weren't coming back. But I had this sliver of hope that you would. And I was right, I don't know how long you're staying but-"

He came running up to me grabbing my face and crashing our lips together. I pulled him as close to me as I could. I missed this, his touch.

His arms wrapped around my waist. We pulled away, resting our foreheads together. "I missed that"
"I did too" I replied, he smiled at me.

We heard footsteps behind us, Brandon.
"Um, I just wanted to let you know that I understand. I can bring you the girls if you want"

I gave him a nodd and he called the girls over, they came running towards me. "Dad!", Airis yelled. They went to hug Kai as he picked both of them up.

"I'm here guys. I'm here", he sighed in relief. Smiling at me.

a/n: hey guys! We just saw Kai in this part, but will Andie really just accept him back right away? How will Brandon say goodbye? The drama isn't kver just yet so, keep an eye out for the next part. Thank you so much for the support and love y'all been giving this book recently! bye!💓

WAITING GAME/KAI PARKER FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now