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Taehyung wakes up slowly, a feeling on his arm as something was adjusted to it. His finger squeezed between... something.

He groans, eyes squinted as he shakes his head carefully. Opening his eyes, he peers up into a bright room, lied on a bed that ached his back, his lower legs numb.

"Oh-" Somebody spoke, a soft voice as they scurried and reached over the monitor over Taehyungs head.

"Hello." The feminine voice greets as she presses a button, going back into place as she looks at the alpha.

"My name is Oh Minsuh, you're in a hospital, dear." The woman smiles, looking down at a clipboard. "Do you know your name, age, date of birth and ranking?"

Taehyung blinks, his throat dry. Minsuh? As in, the woman that- what?

He jumps, lifting the arm that is poked with a iv drip, feeling his neck.

Nothing. No slit. No blood.

"I-" He begins, "I'm Kim Taehyung... 18, December 30th, Alpha."

"Oh." Minsuh chuckles. "Wow. You're quite intelligent. Happy birthday." She smiles, a bit confused as to why this kid was caught up with the date.

"I'm sorry- what happened?" He asks in a raspy voice, Minsuh hums. "2 years ago, you got in a devastating crash. I've been watching you ever since."

"How- How devastating?" Taehyung asks, and the woman frowns. "You had broken your legs, spine and tail bone. They're healed now, but because of the inactivity, you may need surgeries and physical therapy."

The young adult squints, fuck... he couldn't remember. Nothing. Everything that came to him was Ember... Ulthar... and a boy named Jimin.

His heart starts to hurt... was this all not real? Had he fallen in love with someone that doesn't exist?

He turns his head, a small frown on his lips. "M-my mom?"

"She's volunteered for the cancer ward in our hospital, but she isn't here today, so i'll be giving her a call so she sees you as soon as possible. This is very exciting, two years in a coma and you seem to wake with zero neurological issues." Minsuh smiles. "As if you learned while you slept."

"I- uh." Taehyung chuckles. He was a guard, someone useful in the society of Ulthar, the princes mate for fucks sake, and now he wakes up to be a crash victim in a hospital bed for 2 years?

"Now, tell me, did you have any activity as you dreamt?" She asks. "The monitor spiked many times throughout your coma."

"I don't really remember." Taehyung gulps, realizing all of this was fake. He lived a fake life in his head, Jimin doesn't exist- not even Areum.

"This must be overwhelming. I'll get a nurse in here to help you around the hospital soon." Minsuh smiles. "For now, i'll taking you to physical therapy, just to work up those muscles so you can shower!"

"There's hope for my legs?" Taehyung looks down at his thighs that had overgrown hair, scars and bandages.

"Of course there is. Thanks to your mother, Ara, she moved you around a lot in your coma." The woman grins.

The young alpha smiles, weak arms rubbing his thigh before lying back, awaiting instruction.


It was hard, terribly hard. Taehyung had heard no mention of a Jimin ever since he woke up.

In all honestly, he felt shame to even continue to seek for an omega as none existent as the mate of his dreams.

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