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It was late at night, the room dark and chilly and the only source of light was the moon.

Jimin woke up to a small pain in his pregnant belly, his legs warm under the heavy blanket. He sighs, rubbing his pregnant stomach as he smoothed his palm over it, his pup likely moving or kicking.

Ignoring it, he turns his body on the mattress, deciding to sleep it off. Shutting his eyes as he breaths in deeply, he nuzzled his face into the pillow.

Though, he wrongly assumed he'd resume his sleep.

He was wrong. Oh, so wrong. In merely seconds did he feel a sharp pain in his lower stomach that make him sit up quickly. He hisses, looking down at his pregnant belly before spreading his thighs, touching the wet mattress.

"No, no- no, no, no, no." Jimin immediately built up adrenaline, terribly scared. Oh, my gosh. It was time. It was time for his babe to meet him, but he wasn't ready.

Getting up, his legs trembled as he walked uncomfortably in a wet nightgown, biting his lip as to not disturb anybody. He needed to go into the bath across the hallway, but words couldn't describe the ache in his lower body. Even his toes felt numb, crying silently, he holds onto the bottom of his stomach as he slowly walks towards the door of his bedroom.

Everything was so loud yet so silent.

He whimpers, walking out and seeing guards walking around the hallway. Even spotted Sungmin. Refusing to even greet any of them, he bites his lip to try not to cry out in pain.

"Jimin-ah! Are you alright?" Said alpha walks towards him when he realizes something was wrong. The omega stops in his traps before swallowing his tears, looking up. "M-mhm. J-just need the hot springs."

"What for? It's very late." Sungmin frowns, Jimin looks away, tears in his eyes. "I-I had an accident." He whispers.

"Oh- it's alright, prince... do you need me to prepare your towels?" Sungmin asks and Jimin nods, scurrying off before breaking down into tears when he gets inside the springs, locking the door behind him as he quickly shreds off the fabric tugging and pulling on his body.

"Oh- mmm. Gods. They're going to be awful when they're a teenager." The omega chuckles softly as he sobs, getting on his knees, no longer enduring pain on his ankles. Turning on the faucet, he runs the bath, surprised he made without worrying Sungmin too much."

Crawling inside the bath, he sighs in the hot water. Satisfied as he sits in, he breaths in and out, unsure of what to do in the meantime as waits for his baby to be ready.

He's read it in books, specifically books about mothering pups. A certain pressure in the lower belly that lets you know, but now he felt only contractions.

He just didn't know how it the foreign feeling felt or when it was going to happen...

He spreads his legs, once again taking a deep breath as he rubbed his belly. "Wow, you're coming out way sooner, puppy. Are you a little busy lady?" He asks, chuckling. Always noticing the women in the castle have zero time for bullshit and always busy with their own deals.

He somehow already knew she was a little girl.

"Oh, ho, ho." He whimpers, dipping his head inside the water, his nose sticking out as he endured the harsh contraction in his uterus. His babe wiggling around, kicking her little thighs up and down, unaware of how painful it was for her mommy.

Jimin was really holding it together, even though the entirety of his body felt like it was burning alive. He had learned to, since Ilseong, he taught himself how to endure pain silently.

The omega didn't know what the do other than sit there and wait, he breaths in and out before being startled by a knock.

"Umgh- Y-yes?" The omega rose an eyebrow, startled because these were his private springs, why on earth would anybody be knocking.

"Jimin-ah, Sungmin told me you came in here because of an accident. Are you alright? Your bed is wet." He heard his father ask, the omega hisses as the everlasting ping in his belly before clearing his throat. "I-i'm okay." He looks up, tearfully.

"Are you sure?" The older man asks before Jimin cries out in pain, panting afterwards. "YES- Yes, yes I am okay!"

Junsu didn't really know whether or not to believe his son especially when he's heavily pregnant. The king sighs, "Let me in, boy."

"No." Jimin sobs, the pain beginning to kick in as his baby yearned to come out. The alpha knocks on the door, "Do you need a maester?"

"No, no, no, off! Off, I say!" The omega shouts, his uterus seizing and burning as he begins to push. Crying out, he grips onto the sides of the tub, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Oh, no." He whimpers.

He thought he was so prepared.

His face felt hot, and he was probably red as a beet. Crying, he lifts himself up in the water by the heels of his feet, his belly breaking through the bond of the water. He sniffles, continuing to push as he pants, "T-Taehyung-" He sobs, throwing his head back before pushing as hard as he can.

Gasping, his legs tremble as he pushed out his baby with all his might, nails digging into his thighs. "Taehyung!" He cries out in pain, groaning in pain as he felt the head begin to pop out.

He screamed, so loudly. He was so sure that he was prepared, having said that Taehyung was the biggest thing he'd get inside of him.

If Taehyung was huge, this baby was a giant.

Continuing to push, he slowly gets her out of him, tears rolling down his cheeks, pain easing down. Sobbing softly, as he slowly and carefully pushed her out, he leans over and grabs her before the water chokes her.

He pulls her out of the water as he whimpers, hugging the screaming haby, kissing her cheeks. "O-oh, my gosh, you're tiny." He sobs, tears rolling down his cheeks as he held the small baby. This is what felt like hell moments ago?

The little girl sobs, little hands cupping her mommy's face, grasping on his cheek. She calms down, looking down at him as her belly twitched from the aftermath of crying. Jimin smiles softly, "You look like Taehyung." He whispers, touching her small little mole on the bottom of her lip.

"Jimin-ah!" Junsu slams the door open, startling the new mother as he turns his head.

Junsu pauses, not expecting to see this when he opened the gates to the springs.

"Wow, congratulations your highness." The maester smiles, bowing as she walks over with towels. "Good morning, princess." the omega bows, looking at the cooing newborn.

"M-Morning?" Jimin asks in a raspy voice.

"Yes, well. It is already 2 AM." The young woman smiles. "May I?" She asks, extending her hands with a pair of scissors.

"Oh- Yes, yes you may." The prince gulps, the cord attaching him and his daughter being snipped so very easily.

"What will be her name?" She asks, smiling as she prepares the little basket to bathe and weigh her.

Jimin gulps, looking up at his father and than back at the woman. "Areum. Princess Areum."


just a lil birth scene :)

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