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The alpha turns his head towards the call as he frowned, seeing Yoongi holding small little Eunji. The omega sadly looks at him, than below.

The alpha tucking in the prince after the ruckus, Jimin crying and spewing hate at Ilseong when he finally arrived at the hut. Taehyung felt lucky he took Jimin as a joke, because otherwise, he would've been slaughtered.

"Are you alright?" The omega asks, kneeling down besides a futon as he gently lies the pup into her basket to sleep. Taehyung tucks his head between his knees before sighing with a shrug. "He doesn't even want to look at me."

"Was he not cuddling you?" Yoongi asks, and the alpha chuckles. "Yes, until I told him we had to go back to the hut."

The prince frowns, staying silent with a small gulp. "You guys should runaway."

Taehyung looks up at him and frowns, tilting his head. Yoongi tucks Eunji in before crossing his legs and sitting down. "While you both still have lives to live."

"What- I can't. He'd kill us." Taehyung frowns, and Yoongi leans over, palm gliding the floor before he lifts it up. "He put a pad lock on the carriage. These are the keys. It's your choice."

"What about you and Hoseok? Or- Namjoon, Jungkook, Seokjin!" Taehyung hisses and Yoongi chuckles, blowing air out his nostrils. "We're too far gone." he whispers, than looks back up at the guard. "You two haven't killed. You can still live like normal people."

The younger alpha frowns, looking at the omega with big eyes. "But-"

Yoongi gently sits back down on his bum, looking up. "The rest of us have no reason to leave. I'm forever ruined. Hoseok is a loyal guard to Ilseong, Namjoon is knocked up by his dead husband, and the other two lick where that omega steps." The omega chuckles sadly. "You two? Jimin could get better again. You two can recover. Go on and have false identities. I suggest the villages of Hoyeon. A big village but not quite well known."

Taehyung sucks on his lips before looking down at Jimin who stirred, than back up. Yoongi nods, getting up as his knees unbuckled. "Your choice. Be enslaved or be a free man."

"How can I trust you?" The guard quickly asks as Yoongi gently placed his palm on the wedge of the door. The prince turns and looks back at him with a chuckle. "You don't. That's why it's a risk."


"Oh, gods." Jimin groans, stretching his body out as a few tears gathered in his eyes as he yawned.

Taehyung, who laid next to him, shot his head up, startling the omega who gasped, looking at his guard. "What-"

"Lets runaway- I love you and you love me, so we have to leave so we can live a life with potential." The guard quickly explains, and the princes eyebrows scrunches up. "Love??"

"Yes, love." Taehyung says softly as Jimin stared at him with his puffy eyes. The omega looks away, "I don't know."

"...Point is, we need to leave. We should atleast get to live lives uncontrolled by bastards like Ilseong." The guard quickly says. "So, will you please accompany me and escape this hellhole?" he asks, and Jimin stares at him with a frown. "You're likely going to make me take the fall for it if we get caught."

"I won't and we won't get caught, prince." Taehyung chuckles dryly. "I got the keys to the padlock placed on Ilseongs carriage."

"Who gave you these?" Jimin gasped, lifting himself up before Taehyung sighs, "Yoongi. He did."

"You trust that brat? Sure, he seems kind but have you not forgotten he is the son of Ilseong, whom brainwashes him? He practically is in love with him father." The prince hissed and the guard rolled his eyes. "He is being merciful and has high hopes for our escape plan."

"I'm sorry, Taehyung. I don't feel like I can risk it." Jimin whismpers. "I don't want to die."

"Please, omega. You have to trust me unless-"

"First of all, pest. Do not call me 'omega.' Remember, i'm higher than you, peasant of an alpha." Jimin growls before Taehyung thumbs his shoulder sheepishly. "Sorry." He whispered, never being insulted by the prince before.

"I'm going back to sleep." the prince whispered as he tucked his head back into his blanket. Taehyung bites his lip, cupping his palms together. "Please consider it." He says before getting, opening the door and bumping into Ilseong who stood at the door way.

"Oh, you two were here?" The king asks with a chuckle. Taehyung nods, "Yes, just chatting." He says nervously.

"He went to sleep?" Ilseong asks as Taehyung clears his throat. "I think that is his plan." he whispers. "I think you should visit later." he chuckles dryly.

"No, no. I just wanted to get my deeds done and than head to bed with Duri." Ilseong snickers, "Dinner is finished, by the way, son."

"Oh." Taehyung gulps. "Okay." He says, scooting away as Ilseong entered the room, causing the young alpha to become nervous.


"Little Jimin-ah." Ilseong chuckles softly as he grabs the omegas shoulders, who stirs awake at the soft touch due to being a light sleeper. The prince frowns, shaking his head. "Please, king-" he whispers.

"Sh." Ilseong hushes as he towered himself over Jimin, the omega panting as he attempted to push him off. "No-" he begged in a whisper, tearfully looking up. "I-it's only so early, a-and, my heat is late, sir."

"It's only been a couple of times we've had sex, and you're already baring me a pup? Such whorish behavior, Jimin-ah." He croons, snickering as he lifted Jimins trousers off.

"I don't want to!" The prince shrieks before kicking Ilseong in the cheek, crying as he did so and begins to lift himself up to run off but was ultimately grabbed by his ankle once again.

That quick simple action caused so much fury in Ilseong.

"Have you lost your mind?" The alpha says, still sat on the floor as he held Jimins ankle, whom he struggled to let loose by kicking. The omega begins crying much more loudly, realizing he wasn't at home, and he couldn't just cry for help like he always did, and how Taehyung would rescue him as quick as possible.

Though, oddly, in between that thought, he realized the different between him and Taehyung.

It wasn't alpha or omega.

It was their lives.

He pitied Taehyung, born only to serve Jimin, to become his shadow and yet, protect him unconditionally.

He wondered how that felt.

Born for the sole reason to simply protect and continue with no other objective.

Perhaps it's all he knew. The life of being the shadow. Maybe that's why he never had a complaint.

Though, if the claim is true, why did he do this to Jimin?


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