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Seokjin frowns as he saw the pregnant omega lied down on his futon, resting there ever since his baby was taken. The alpha frowns, biting his lip.

He wasn't answering, unable to talk and left with a sore throat after sobbing his lungs out. Ilseong didn't want to do anything about his pup, only interested in finding those two brats as soon as possible.

Jimin and Taehyung had stolen his baby.

His own flesh and blood, the baby whom came out of his body wrinkled and covered with his blood. The only one he has since his husband passed on to another life.

And, oh, was he angry. He was so fucking angry. He was never the type of person to hold a grudge but considering the Parks have always taken the pieces of his life away, he felt utterly violent.

First, his husband. His sweet, sweet, Sungho. The love of his life.

Now, the heir of Junsu taking his child? No, no, NO!

"I came with dinner." Seokjin says softly, "You must feed yourself, after all, you're eating for two." He chuckles, walking in the bedroom as he lies the tray besides the omega and gently reached to comb his hair as he faced away from him.

"We'll find Eunji. The kids must've taken her, maybe with falsely good intent but that baby is safe." Seokjin comforts in a small voice.

Namjoon lifts his head up, not looking at Seokjin to avoid him noticing his puffed up eyes and swollen lips. He lifts up the loaf and dips it in the coffee, taking a bite out of it.

"I'm sorry this happened." Seokjin apologized. "The others have left for search but I stayed to make you food, sorry it isn't much. The kids took our supplies." He chuckles sadly as Namjoon nods. "It's okay, alpha. Thank you." He says, choking on his tears.

Seokjin frowns, this omega in inconsolable. Crying as he ate.

Truly sad.

"When is he due?" Seokjin tries lighting up the mood before Namjoon shrugs. "3 weeks? 4?"

The silence was deafening.

"Can I do anything for you?" Seokjin asks before Namjoon drops his bread and looks up at him. "I'm not hungry."

"You took one bite." He says softly.

"It's alright." Namjoon hums, laying himself down once again before the alpha looks at him with a frown. "Eat. Omega, there is a baby inside you."

Namjoon ignores him as he closes his eyes which makes Jin a bit annoyed, lift the bread up, and pressing it against the omegas plump lips. "Eat." he pressures.

"Stop it." Namjoon warns, teeth grit before Seokjin squeezes his cheeks and forces him to bite, the omega beginning to whine and struggle. Forcing himself up because after all he was fed bread.

"Stop!" He cries, tears shedding once again as Seokjin tormented him with bread. "Leave me alone!!" Namjoon whimpers, turning his head.

The omega was repeatedly poked with the bread and finally budges, and eats it before Seokjin sighs, lying besides him, hugging the omega as he cried into his chest.

"You know I did it for your own good." Seokjin reminds, and feels Namjoon nod through his tears. "It's okay to cry, omega."

Namjoon sobs onto his chest before looking up. "T-they took my Eunji." He whimpers, snot on the top of his lips. "M-My puppy."

"I know, my love. I know those bastards did." Seokjin whispers, leaning down as he presses a kiss against Namjoons lips, whom kissed back in comfort. Still sniffling as his eyes welled with tears.

Seokjin cupped Namjoons cheeks, the omega smoothing his lips against his as they were cuddled in each others personal space.

"Your belly." Seokjin hums after pulling away, unbuttoning the omegas hanbok and revealed his protruding belly, which was covered with stretchmarks. Namjoon giggled softly, sniffling as he looked down, "It's pretty big, is it not?"

"Yes. So glad, you can tell you're healthy along with your baby boy." Seokjin smiled and Namjoon looked down, rubbing his own belly. "Sungho was excited when I told him about our second baby."

"I bet he was." Seokjin chuckles, bumping the pad of his finger on Namjoons outie before looking up at the omega. "I've never really loved anyone so much until I met you." The alpha says softly. "You're gorgeous, intelligent and brave. Sungho was lucky to win your heart completely, I know you'll never feel that way to Jungkook and I like you did for him."

Namjoon stare at him, a small frown. "I-I do love you two... I just, I can't see myself married again... I want to be a widow until I die. For my Sungho."

"You had sex with both Jungkook and I, what is the difference?" Seokjin asked like a kicked puppy.

"Well, I did that too soon after Sungho passed away." Namjoon thumbs his belly. "I exposed myself to two other men out of grief. I cried, and I even considered ending my life to join him. Though, I couldn't bring myself to it, because I was carrying my child either way."

"Oh." Seokjin hummed, "I'm sorry you felt that way, and I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could come to-"

"No, no, Seokjin. I wasn't planning on letting anybody know." Namjoon sighs, "I had decided to pick out my wedding dress and went outside of the castle and stood by a pond... I planned on drowning myself because I couldn't swim. I was about to do it but a frog scared me away. Than, I decided to never try again because frogs terrify me."

The alpha looks at the omega who stared at him with a bit of humor. Seokjin lightly snickered, wiping his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger. "Lord, Namjoon... must you be so secretive? We were about to lose you."

The omega smiled, looking at the door as he realized Jungkook had been ear dropping, the younger alpha entered, dropping the woolen bag he had which contained mangos, and kneeled down, hugging Namjoon tightly. The omega tensed, a bit upset he had spoken about it infront of Jungkook since his father took his own gun given by Ilseong and shot a bullet straight through his head in the bed his parents shared.

"Don't leave, hyung." Jungkook whispers, tears in his eyes before Namjoon presses a kiss against his lips. "Never."


ya rocking with the pregnant joon ⁉️

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