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Night arrived like no other.

Jimin woke up refreshed when he was shook by Taehyung, who had figured the coast was clear when he checked around the home. The omega was currently sat on his bum as he packed random articles of clothing he had managed to collect during the whole ordeal with Ilseong, stealing some of Namjoons maternity clothing.

"I don't have much to take." Taehyung chuckles as he whispers, looking besides him and sees Jimin suddenly stop as he held the clothing.

"His baby." The prince whispers, a frown. "She'll die sooner or later because Ilseong will go crazy over us leaving."

The guard gulps, "Y-yeah, but that's Namjoons babe." He chuckles softly. Jimin looks back, mind contemplating. "This child deserves to live." He says softly.

"Prince." Taehyung frowns, "This babe will likely die in our arms as well if we take her. Namjoon would die from losing his daughter, leave her be."

The omega nods, clearing his throat as he got up. "He's pregnant." he says softly, looking at the mother who slept soundly.

The teen gets up, dusting his hanbok before grabbing the basket. "I'm doing this because I love Namjoon and he deserves to have safety for his child."

"Jimin-" Taehyung frowns.

He watches Jimin walk out of the bedroom, the kidnapped babe in his hands.


Jimin knew he was wrong.

Though, he wasn't an idiot. He knew that the moment Ilseong figured he wasn't in his hut anymore he'd ruin everyones lives around him and his own people.

Once, Minsuh taught him was to care for the newer generations, and that would be this child Namjoon had.

He knew, Namjoon would literally have a heart attack the second he didn't find his child, but he knew if he didn't take this child with him, Ilseong would cause it to get killed or kill it himself.

Deep down he knew this was the right thing to do.

Though, not that it looked like it right now. He gets it, he looked greedy. Hell, even Taehyung was dumbfounded.

The omega quietly packed his stuff into the carriage as Taehyung followed, a small huff. "It's chilly." He whispers, holding the keys to prevent them from jingling. Jimin nods, arms pebbling.

"Let's go to the front. I'll drive the carriage." Taehyung says softly as he pats the princes shoulder, walking off. Jimin frowns, holding Eunji to his chest with a small sigh.

He walks in the carriage, sitting besides Taehyung who looked at Jimin with a weary face, the elder nodding before they turn their heads again, silently terrified.

One shot.

They have one shot at this, they escape or a bullet is thrown into their sculls.

Taehyung clears his throat, lifting the whips and whipping the horses, who neighed in pain before riding off.

Jimin lets out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, smoothing a hand down the childs back. "N-now what?" He asks.

"Ulthar. We must see the kingdom, your mother and father may be captive!"

"Okay." The omega gulps, looking out the window. Fidgeting.

He was so afraid.


It was silent until dawn, hours have passed and Jimin couldn't sleep. Taehyung deemed it safe enough to stop since Ilseong couldn't know where they were, not at all.

"It's abandoned here. We could go into one of the homes and use it." The alpha says softly, causing the omega to scoff. "To get slaughtered? No."

"I'm immortal." Taehyung playfully says, before Jimin frowns. Clearing his throat, he looks away. "I'm tired, omega. We should rest. I think we're safe."

"It's barely dawn. We should go somewhere safer." Jimin hissed, looking off and out the abandoned town. It seeming so empty, perhaps the aftermath of a war.

"Where?" Taehyung scoffs.

"Another town, atleast." The omega says softly, looking down. "I'm scared." He whispered.

Jimin was scared of him.

The guard looks down at the young prince who held the small baby to his chest. His heart tore a bit before sighing, "Okay, dollie. I'll go to the next down I find."

Jimin nods, "I'll go to the back so feed Eunji..." He says, lifting his buttocks up before walking off into the back of the carriage, kneeling as he did so.

Taehyung scoffs softly, heart hurting for the omega as he smacked the horses to go faster.

He wanted to cry, to cry for him.

Turn into a ball and roll himself into a endless hole and hide. He wishes he could've protected Jimin from all the evil. From Ilseong. He didn't know. He didn't.

Taehyung felt a tear fall down onto his thigh, gasping as he wiped it. "Gods." He says in a small voice, tears falling down his face.

He should've made Ki-ha slaughter him and his family instead, Jimin would be safe.

His family didn't care about him anyways.

The young alpha felt sick as he held the ropes, nauseated from the sadness and the motion of the ride. Gagging, he covers his mouth as he wacked the horse, stopping it immediately as he leaned over and threw up on the soil.

"Oh, god-" He gasped, waste slipping out from his throat. Jimin rushed out with empty hands when he heard the noise and frowns. "Taehyung!"

"Come, dear." He frowns, lifting the sick teen by his armpits. The omega struggled a bit but managed, dragging the alpha into the back where he was, locking it for safety.

It was quiet, a small candle lit that dared not to fall. Thus would be their fate.

"Taehyung," Jimin frowns, kissing the alphas head. "Why are you sick? Did you eat something before leaving? Why so suddenly?" He asked worriedly, big eyes staring holes into the guard.

"Omega." Taehyung gasped, beginning to cry as he lifted himself up from the ground and hugged Jimin. "I'm so sorry." He sobbed, tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, oh gods, i'm so sorry." He begs, gripping the elders hanbok.

"Taehyungie." Jimin frowns, hugging back. "It's okay." He whispered, kissing his lips that were soaked by his tears, the alpha red from crying. "Don't cry so hard, puppy." Jimin says in a small voice, kissing the vein popped out of Taehyungs head.

"I forgave you since the moment it started." Jimin says softly, kissing his lips repeatedly. "Handsome boy. I love you, and I've known your heart holds no evil. Only foolishness." He says softly, eyes filled with tears.

Taehyungs looks up at him silently as his eyes were also brimmed with tears as Jimins drop fell on his cheek. "Don't cry." He chuckles, "It'll be okay."

The guard nods, hugging Jimin tightly. He loved him so much.

The two lied there until they fell asleep, Eunji silent during their sweet slumber.


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