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"Oh, gods." The woman shrieked when she saw Taehyung enter her bedroom covered with mud after playing outside with his older buddie, Sungmin.

"Momma, what momma?" He asks, stretching out his limbs to be picked up, frowning at how his mother reacted to his dirty body. "Momma, momma!" He cried, jumping on his little feet.

"You disgusting animal, have I not told you enough about playing in the mud? You likely have insects crawling inside your bum from rolling around in the dirt like a hog, what do I teach you?" She scolds, the kind faced woman spitting such mean words to her 6 year old son.

Taehyung looks at his mother and starts crying at the mention of insects, being scared, he runs towards her and hugs her white hanbok, "Momma!" He sobs, trying to get off the ground as the woman kicked and tried shoving the little boy off her leg.

"You dirty-"

"Jeong?" A young woman enters, a tight lip frown on her red lips. "What are you saying to my son?" She scrunches her eyebrows, seeing her little Taehyungs face smeared with tears.

"Ara, this child of yours is an absolute dead weight! Disgusting little boy of yours came in dirtied up after playing with that nasty boy Sungmin!" Jeong shouts.

"You were not watching him while he played?" Ara gasped. Jeong stares at her angrily.

"You agreed, Jeong- You agreed that when I birthed our Taehyung you wouldn't torment him like you have tormented me, you have promised!" Ara shouts back at the alpha before her, whos pheromones spiked.

"I asked for a little girl!" Jeong growls, and Ara looks at the woman like she was crazy, grabbing Taehyung and picking him up, kissing his dirty cheek.

"Come on, my little pup. Mommy is going to bathe you, alright?" Ara coos softly at Taehyung who shook with anxiety. Frowning, she walks outside their bedroom and to the hot springs of where children of the castle bathed.

"When we get in there, mommy is going to bathe you, and get you all nice and clean, baby boy! Then, i'll make you egg rolls, okay?"

Taehyung nods, hiding his face into her shoulders as she entered the empty steamy room, that was always filled with warm water for the babes. A specialty from Junsu.

"Look, baby. It's empty. You can play with all the toys Sungmins papa carves, here." She smiles warmly, grabbing a wooden toy from the water and handing it to Taehyung who looks down, still upset about what momma said to him.

"Come." The woman whispers, a small frown on her lips. "I'm sorry about momma, puppy. I'd do anything to get you out of there but if you were older you would understand. Mommy can't just leave, my love. I'm sorry." She says in a smaller voice, gulping at the next part.

"I know you said you want a sibling, baby. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, because I don't want to bring another baby in this situation to suffer like I did to you. Forgive mommy, Tae-Tae." She begs.

"It's okay, mommy." Taehyung hugs his mother tightly, his belly filled with sadness he couldn't just throw up. The woman looks up, a small smile. "Atleast you got Jimin, baby. You two are going to grow up together."

"Jimin is pretty and small, like a doll! But, he cries too much!" The little alpha stuck his tongue out, Ara chuckles lightly, grabbing a wooden brush besides her. Ki-ha is very mean to little Jiminie, Ara thought. "Puppy, let me brush you." She says, helping him down.

"Wow, you are full of knots in your hair."

Taehyung flinches awake, sensing small tugs on his hair as he turned his head around to face the omega behind his awakening, Namjoon.

"Good morning." He says softly, avoiding pet names towards this boy, knowing he is the imposter who stole his child away from him. The only thing he had left from his Sungho. The alpha opens his mouth and closes it, instead of words coming out, tears did.

His mother, Ara. A strong woman who loved no matter what, how badly he missed her. How she would rock him even as an adult, and even press kisses against his cheek after finding out what he did. He wonders where she was, and if she was even alive. If this was all worth the hassle, just to protect his mother from dead Ki-ha, Jimin told him about his father brutally murdering him.

Though, at this very moment, sat her spirit infront of him.

"Namjoon-ie hyung." Taehyung leans over, cupping his hands in a prayer notion, tears in his eyes. "You-your baby girl, she's safe and sound, cared by our Minsuh. We assumed we would need to take her- Because of Ilseong going crazy, we are so sorry-"

"Hush." Namjoon says softly, looking down. "Do not make so much noise, young man. Ilseong is wide awake and scanning for Jimin-ah. Be happy he hasn't asked you questions."

Namjoon sighs, looking down. "I washed you with a cloth, and put vaseline on your anus while you slept. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but Ilseong brought you in bleeding from your buttocks and I didn't want the tear to become infected."

Taehyung looks down, cheeks glowing. "T-thank you, hyung."

"No problem." Namjoon says softly, letting out a breath. "Do you need a meal, boy? Jungkook and Seokjin captured deer. You seem to be starved."

"No, thank you." The young boy looks down tearfully, "Why do you not reject me?" He suddenly asks.

"Reject you of what?" The omega asks, cupping his belly.

"Me- what I did, how I took your daughter and coming back dirtied by Ilseong."

Namjoon looks down, scooting towards the young boy. "You're a big boy, bigger than me. Though, I can't help to see a small little pup when I see you."

"Really?" Taehyung frowns, and Namjoon nods. "Ki-ha and Ilseong really made you dig your own grave, didn't they, boy?" He asks, eyes squinting in sadness for the poor boy in front of him.

Taehyung didn't really know why, but he was suddenly filled with emotion. His eyes fluttering with tears as the cracks in his heart finally broke it into two. "I-I never meant to hurt anybody." He begins to cry, cry like he was still a pup, wet and hot tears rolling down his cheeks.

He was scared, he wanted his mom, and now he was all grown up, facing a life sentence and a dad soon? He continues to cry, everything going too fast before he felt warm arms wrap around him.

"Don't cry so hard, little one." Namjoon says softly, pressing a kiss against the popped out vein on Taehyungs head as he cried, lips wet with snot and tears.

Taehyung felt like a little boy again, crying to his mommy about scraping his leg.


Funfact of the day: Duri (Ilseongs husband) is quite ugly.

Duri was also incredibly jealous of Ki-ha which is why he was disgusted by Jimin when he saw him, since he resembles his mom

(A/N how would you guys feel if I made an NSFW audio of this story or any of my others ones?)

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