10 hours before

''Thank you Bella for helping me out today. I appreciate it,'' Laura said. ''No problem, I would do that anytime. Call me if you need me again,'' I said and said bye to her.

Laura called me today and asked me if I could take over Daniel's shift. He called her today and said he was feeling sick so she called me and asked me if I could come. I said of course and came.

I work in a little library near my school. It also has a little café in it. It's very cozy and cute.

While walking up to my car my phone started ringing. I grabbed it out of my pocket and saw it was Aaliyah. I picked the call up.

"Hello, my dear best friend," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Hello, my beautiful friend. What are you doing?" she asked me. "I'm on my way home. I took a shift at the library today. I just finished it so I'm on my way home. Why?" I asked her while opening the car door and starting the engine.

"Okay, I will be at your place in 15 minutes. Be there before I break in,"

"Wait! No-" and she hung up.

I sighed and started driving to my house.

When I pulled up I saw Aaliyah waiting at our porch. I got out of the car and made my way to her. "Hey," I greeted her and she looked up.

She stood up with a huge grin on her face and hugged me. I got startled by her action but I hugged her back. "I see you missed me," I jokingly said. "Of course, I always miss my best friends," she said while pulling away from the hug.

"Let's go, we need to get ready!" she said and I furrowed my brows. "For what?" I asked.

"The party, duh," she said and I sighed while rolling my eyes. "I'm not coming," I said and walked up to the door to open it.

''Yes, you are, Bella. I don't want you to stay at home and do nothing,'' she stated. I rolled my eyes. ''I'm not alone. I'm with Alessio,'' I assured.

''Alessio won't be hanging out with you. He probably will play video games,'' she said.

''I still won't go,''

''Yes, you will,''







''Okay, I won't go,'' I said with a smirk. ''Wait what? You tricked me,'' she complained. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into my house while Aaliyah came walking in behind me. I went to the kitchen and made myself an iced coffee.

''Bella, pleeeaaasss!!!!!!'' Aaliyah whined. I ignored her and made my way out of the kitchen and to the living room.

''Okay, let's make a deal. I will do whatever you want for the next few months if you come to the party tonight,'' she suggested and I smirked.

''Everything?'' I asked and she nodded with a smirk.

I started to think.

''You have to clean my skates for the next two months,'' I said with a smirk. I hate cleaning my skates. ''Okay, I will,'' she said and I nodded.

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