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Present time. A week Later

It had been a miracle, the doctors had said, because Ivan was not dead, and to the relief of his family and loved ones, he was recovering much faster than they had imagined.
It came as a shock to people, especially the people who had witnessed the fatal accident, some said it was a miracle from God, others said the boy was just a fighter, others thought it wasn't his time to die yet.

Nevertheless, Serene couldn't hide her happiness, she was very much elated and tears of joy sprung from her eyes when she had heard the news.

Even after the accident and much to Serene and everyone's dismay, the Old Lady still didn't change her mind about her plans, her decision on the engagement didn't change, and that meant the business partnership with Hudson-Odois would  happen.

Though Serene was devastated with her grandmother's adamant behavior, nothing could still bring down her spirit, the kind of joy and happiness she felt that moment she heard the news about Ivan coming back to life knew no bounds.  Relief had filled her heart like never before, at some point, she had thought of the happiness that would have filled her if her parents could also come back to life, if a miracle had happened like it had happened with Ivan.

The smile on her face didn't falter even as she stood in front of the mirror, her body wrapped in the most elegant and beautiful dress she had ever seen, the kente dress fitted her body perfectly, the colour made her complexion pop, it made her brown eyes much beautiful, the makeup artist did a really good job too.

She let her hand run down the dress, she didn't know she could look that beautiful, her eyes looked bigger, lips plumper, and the shape of her face much defined. Every single thing, her voice, her face, her moves, even most of her behavior reminded her of her mother, her heart ached as she watched her reflection in the mirror, all she could see was her mother, her mother's smile, her  kinky smile.

Serene's eyes were bright with joy, she was happy that even if she wouldn't be spending the rest of her life with Ivan, she knew he was alive, he was with her and she'd always hold him in her heart, a special place in her heart.

She turned when she saw her friends enter her room, she could hear the soft music playing downstairs, she could hear the constant roar of laughter as everyone prepared and waited for the special occasion to commence.
Her friends looked beautiful in their kente dresses too, though theirs were much simpler and the colour was different from hers.

They gathered around her, all wearing a sad smile as they gushed at how beautiful she looked.

"Why the sad smile? Look how happy I am, and you are all giving me that look" Serene said with the smile never leaving her face, she stood still and made a straight face as her makeup artist retouched her face, the door opened again and then came the photographer who'd take pictures and videos of them before they left the room.

"You know you'll have to see Ivan after the engagement right?" Olive spoke up, she was  facing Serene, her hair was styled into a low bun making the features of her face more pronounced.

"Olive not now, stand in your position, they are about to take the pictures"
Ezlynn  pulled Olive to her side, Olive turned to look at Serene and gave her a hard stare, Serene knew what she meant and she nodded, drew her lips upward in a smile and posed as the photographer began taking pictures.

She couldn't concentrate on what the photographer was saying, the photographer had asked to take a picture of her alone, she sat on a chair a maid had brought into the room, but her mind kept drifting to Ivan.
Olive's words made her nervous than she had expected, somehow, she feared seeing Ivan again. She was scared of how he'd look, she was afraid and mostly worried about how he'd react when he sees the ring on her finger.
The thought of seeing his sad face made her heart break, the smile on her face faltered and she quickly lifted her them back, it was like lifting the world on her shoulders.
The photographer sighed deeply, he dropped his camera and told her to give him a few minutes, he went to his crews, his lips moving as he spoke to them.
The makeup artist came to her, she smiled nervously at Serene, a brush in one hand and another product Serene knew nothing about in another hand.

"Please can I retouch your makeup?" She asked Serene, the latter nodded with her smile on, the lady bent slightly as she dabbed Serene's face with the soft brush.
The photographer had returned and the lady had stepped back, her friends sat cuddled together, Zara had a flower in her curly brown hair, and Serene thought she looked angelic.

The photographer told her to smile wider, so she grinned also making sure she had positive thoughts, she thought of her and Ivan and every memory they had together, she thought of her parents and their happy moments, she knew her smile had reached her eyes then.

The photographer told her to sit straighter, she shifted in her seat and straightened her back, she could feel the fabric  tighten around her hips.
Ezlynn looked up from her  phone and gave Serene a smile, one that said: It is going to get better.

Serene wanted to believe it was. The photoshoot finally ended and she stood up finally when a woman stepped into the room and told them it was time for her to come downstairs.

It definitely wouldn't get better.

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