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To anyone who  had no idea about Serene and Ivan's affair, the engagement between King Hudson-Odoi and Serene must have been the most beautiful to be seen. They laughed when they had to, held hands, behaved like two people in love.  The joy in their eyes, the smiles on their faces and the rich sound of their laughter made it had to doubt a thing.
Even Serene was oblivious, just as everyone else, of the sadness that was hidden in King's eyes, to everyone, he was head over heels for Serene, he had even told himself that. He had tried to let himself believe that he could love Serene, but even King had made a mistake, one that cost him someone he loved dearly.


When evening came and the ceremony was over, there was an after party, a quiet get together with close relatives and friends, without the media and other guests.
The night was filled with laughter, the clinking of wine glasses filled the air, and people walked around or danced slowly to the soft music that played in the background, some lingered closer to the couple, who clung onto each other, showing off pearly white teeth and eyes that shone with fake joy.

In a corner, far from the eyes of others, was Emily, her dark eyes never leaving the couple. She sipped her wine slowly, her legs crossed and face stained with tears.
She had taken too much alcohol, even more than the people around her, and was already getting tipsy, which was her sole aim, she uncrossed her legs, leaning into the chair with her eyes never leaving Serene and King.

She too could see the sadness in King's eyes,  she knew how he hesitated a bit before touching Serene, her blood boiled with anger at the sight of them laughing together. That was supposed to be her, she was supposed to be in King's arms, wearing the damn ring, but whose fault was it, if not hers.
Things wouldn't have gotten this worst if she hadn't pushed him away, if she had fought a little and had not listened to the Old Lady.

"You are too good for him Emily dear, what you both have is something childish and would die out sooner or later,I'm talking from experience and you know it"

She was only eighteen then and was fresh out of Senior high, the Emily then was ambitious and in love. Those were what the Old Lady had said to her when she found out about her and King's relationship. Emily didn't fight, couldn't fight, she looked up to her grandmother so much that she couldn't say no to anything she told her to do.

Even when she had told her to give up on something she cherished so much, the only one thing she cherished more than her love for King. She had wanted to be an artist, mostly a painter, but the Old Lady had told her it was a useless profession, it wouldn't expand the family's empire. She had stopped painting when the Old Lady asked her to, she always followed her rules, always did what she asked her to do.
She had wanted to be like the Old Lady so much that she forgot herself, what she wanted, she forgot her happiness.

She had lost it all, she had finally lost King.

She gulped the rest of her wine and waved for another, a servant came to her table, refilling the glass with wine.

"Bring me a bottle" she ordered the servant as she sipped from the glass he had filled, the servant went away and came back with a bottle. Emily clutched the bottle in one hand and held the wine glass in another, she stumbled out of her seat, spilling wine on her dress as she did.

She walked towards King, he was alone and stood by the pool, his hands were shoved in his pocket and he looked to be in a  deep thought.
Emily stopped beside him and faced the pool without looking at him.

"So you are engaged now huh?" She started, her voice was lighter and her words slurred. When King didn't reply immediately, she went on to sip from her glass.

"You are drunk Emily" King turned towards her and said ignoring her question. He didn't know how to reply her, he didn't like the way she looked at him, the Emily he was looking at was broken, her mascara run down her face, and her dark eyes looked swollen. He gulped at the sight of her body, her dress barely reaching mid thigh, he looked away from her and back at the pool.

"You shouldn't have done this.... To me"
Emily opened the bottle of wine, she took a large gulp from it, and released a low giggle.

"King.... you idiot.." Emily slurred, she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, the bottle dangling dangerously from her loose grip.

"Emily stop this, you are creating a scene" King tried to pry her arms off his neck, but she only gripped him tighter giggles escaping her lips. Serene decided to show up at that moment, and the confusion she felt was vividly displayed on her face.

"What is happening here?" She looked at King for explanation,  she waited in anticipation, hoping there was something really going on.

"Nothing is happening here. Emily is just drunk and I need to take her inside"
King said to her.

"I'm druunk. Do you know we've had an affair before too? King doesn't love you?!"

Emily pushed King away, her eyes darkened with anger as she staggered towards Serene.  King reacted fast enough, griping Emily's hand, he pulled her closer to him and dragged her away, Emily screamed and shouted. The mouths of onlookers who didn't stay in the mansion opened in shock at the news that was revealed.

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