★ Four ★

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Right after dinner, Serene quickly left with the excuse of being extremely tired from the long journey, it seemed the Old Lady had bought her lie for she let her go so easily without hesitation.
As Serene ascended the grand and sparkly stairs to her room, she realized how exhausted she actually was, her mind drifted to the man again, she didn't know if he should be classified as a boy, he looked young, yes, but his wide eyes told another story, he held wisdom and mischief in them, she found herself thinking so much about him and worst of all, her brain had begun scheming possible ways they could meet, talk, even go as far as to daydream of them falling in love.

Falling in love.

It fascinated her, love, she had seen it in her parents' eyes; how they looked at each other, how they looked at her, she knew her parents adored her, they loved her with their all, it was just unfortunate they had to leave.

Serene sighed deeply and loudly, wondering how her brain could switch from daydreaming of love to thinking of her parents, reminiscing sorrowfully of the past, a beautiful past.

She slumped tiredly on her bed  scanning the room, it was quite impressive, much nicer than her old room, and it was very spacious, it could serve as an apartment.
She entered the room where her shoes were kept, lined in racks that almost touched the ceiling, her shoulders slumped, this was too much for her.

Everything about her new environment was high class, uptight, elegant, old money, and it made her feel tied down, it overwhelmed her.

She left the room she had mentally named shoe room, moving to the walk in closet which was yet another large room, she walked through the room checking out dresses from time to time most especially when something caught her eye, it was as if she was in a boutique, she stopped at the end of the room and sat on the cold tiled floor and she begun chewing the inside of her cheek as she thought.

Something she did a lot apart from writing.
She stared at nothing in particular, the old Lady's words popped into her head and somehow, it made her feel uneasy.

What did she want to do now?

She had planned on going to the university but the dream got buried along with her parents, thinking of it now, she thought how impossible it could be or maybe it was possible.
The old lady could help and she had even came out with flying colours after the final exams, she could discuss it with her old lady and maybe she'd agree to it.
Besides furthering her education was the wise thing to do at the moment.

She stood up when she heard voices from her bedroom, dusting off invisible dirt from her dress, she left the room entering her bedroom to see Cassandra and Flora, her heart filled with joy and the loneliness she had felt soon dissipated like it was never there, she smiled brightly at the duo before moving to sit on her bed.
Flora jumped to her side excitedly, still charmed by Serene's exotic beauty, she still couldn't believe there was beauty as such and to think her name fitted her perfectly, she had a serene aura and was gracious.

Cassandra the shy one still stood at the entrance smiling shyly at Serene, the teenage girl still had her phone clutched in her hands, her curly full voluminous hair made her look tinier and it made Serene's smile widened as she gestured with her hand for the girl to come sit by her.

"Come and sit here Cassandra, don't be shy"
She said softly, the girl hesitated for a while but finally went to sit by Serene, she still had the small smile on her face, and she twirled a strand of her hair round her thin finger shyly, Serene found the girl's shyness to be cute.
Flora bounced up as she begins to rumble on how she was excited to finally have a new face around.

"How old are you Flora?" Serene asked her making the young girl stop talking, she looked at Serene as if she was processing her words.

"Oh I'm eleven" then she answered counting with her fingers, she smiled taking Serene's hand.

"How old are you too?"

"I'm twenty" Serene said chuckling.

"Cassandra is fifteen and Emily is twenty two" Flora said to Serene, Serene noticed how Flora's face fell a bit when she mentioned Emily's name.

"Emily is our sister, the eldest, she'll be coming tomorrow, for your information, Emily is a bitch, like a total bitch"
Serene was surprised to hear this from Cassandra, she had thought the girl would never speak.

"Don't say that Cassandra! Mommy said not to use that word on sister Emily" Flora said frowning her face in disapproval.

"Oh please" Cassandra rolled her eyes as she brushed her younger sister's words off.
Serene who watched them sat silently thinking of Emily, she had been quite excited and anxious at the same time, she had been expecting Emily since her aunt mentioned her.

"I'm sure your sister would be nice to me when she arrives, I can't wait to see her"
Serene said, feeling the opposite of what she said lastly,after what Cassandra had said, she felt unsure, she just hoped Emily was not a drama queen.

"Wait till she comes"

This came from both Cassandra and Flora, Serene laughed shortly at their remark.

How bad was she?

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