★ Three ★

66 19 13

She held her breathe, her back stiff and straight, the napkin in her hand soon became the center of her utmost attention.

The young man tried as hard as possible, he gently placed the bowl of light soup on the table in front of the old lady, keeping his demeanor.
His heart had skipped a beat when he first saw her, stepping out of the car in all her glory, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on, her caramel skin glowed under the sun's rays, her beautiful petite frame lost on what to do and where to go, he hadn't caught sight of her face, but his heart still found itself beating wildly.
He couldn't help himself, he tilted his head a bit to look at her and his breath hitched.

Such a wonderful human..

Her big oval eyes slowly looked up at him, she had the darkest shade of brown eyes he had ever seen, he almost wanted to run to his home, run to his room, run to that one canvas he had bought and hadn't used, he wanted to draw her, paint her, for he feared his memories might fail him.

She looked away, Serene looked away shyly, she clutched the napkin tighter to her chest, servants moved around as they served the family, the old lady cleared her throat loudly.

Serene looked up, a servant begun dishing out her meal, her mouth almost watered just at the sweet aroma that filled her nostrils.

"Serene, this is the head chef, Ivan, he's also my personal cook"
The old lady said, she looked up at Ivan, a friendly and hearty smile gracing her wrinkling face, Serene nodded, waved shortly and pretended to be very engrossed in eating her meal, she wondered why the old lady chose to say that at that moment.

It made Serene wonder.

Did the old lady notice her gawking?

Was she trying to relay a vague information?

The young man had left briefly after the introduction, and Serene found herself relaxing more, she ate her food quietly, savoring the taste of the food and wondering if he had prepared it.
Serene wasn't sure why, but she found herself being so interested in the young man, his eyes were so bright, so beautiful, they sparkled with life and so much mischief, the servant uniform he had on looked nicer on him, and she couldn't understand why her stomach churned, she patted her hair, scratched the side of her neck, all in nervousness..

"So Serene, what do you plan on doing?" The old lady broke the silence, the clattering of forks and knives against ceramic plates became quieter, Serene frowned at the question, she looked at her grandmother not knowing what exactly to say.

"Maa Feli, let the girl be, she just lost both parents, and just moved in also, she needs time to think and settle"
Serena's uncle came to her aid, it made her sigh in relief.

"Yes I know that, but she has a life to live.. I just wanted to know, I'm not saying she can't settle and think" the old lady argued, though she let it die as she kept quiet sipping her soup slowly, she seemed to be savoring the taste too.

The silence soon became deafening, the clattering sound became a constant rhythm, drawing Serene back from the past to the present from time to time.

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