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Mr. Hudson-Odoi was many things, to the country, he was a great politician who had run for the position of a president in the past years.
The man was also known for the many awards he had gotten over the years, he was also a great businessman and people mostly knew him because of how he gave to the poor and needy in the society, a philanthropist, they say he was.

What people didn't know was how dangerous he was, how he used words and power to manipulate the people around him, he's had his ugly secrets covered well, he paid them off, or got rid of them.

There was an unspoken rule about the man,  and of course, it was to never mess with him.

There was a deafening silence in the room as everyone awaited his next words, especially Serene because it seemed the rest were much more relaxed, too relaxed like they knew whatever the man had to say, it made her curiosity increase even more, and she realized how her upper body was more inclined towards the desks in front of her.

Finally, the man cleared his throat, looked up at Serene, and spoke.

"It has been planned that you and King here get engaged soon"


To King?!

Serene thought she had heard wrong, maybe her ears weren't functioning well.
Her heart dropped to her stomach as a wave of strong emotions hit her hard, she balled her hands into a fist on the desk as her brows furrowed deeply.

King was like a brother to her. He was her friend! He was always there for her...

Was their friendship just a plot all along?

"This must be a joke. Ha! It is a joke"
A chuckle left her lips as she looked at her grandmother with disbelief, the old lady's gaze shifted from her, as they looked elsewhere.

"Grandmother, you sold me off without my permission? Did you care to ask if I wanted this or not?"
Serene's voice rose with every word she spoke, the anger swirled in her and she felt her left eye twitch uncontrollably.

"You have to understand that your family and my family have agreed to your marriage" the man answered her, Serene looked at him too with disbelief.

"Ha! Family?! Which family huh? Because the family I know are dead, dead and gone! And no true family would give their blood off to marriage without their will! What is this nonsense?!"

"Watch your tone young lady!" The old lady rose slowly from her seat, her gaze hard and heated.

The old lady closed her eyes and when she opened them, they looked softer.

"You have to understand it's for your own good, we are joining our families together to expand our empires, hand in hand, you and King can take over your late father's empire.."

The old lady said sweetly, Serene scoffed loudly before looking at King.

"You knew about this all this time? That was why you spoke to me that day? Is that why you chose to be my tutor? Why you befriended me?!"

"Grace!" The old lady was on her feet fully, she sent a glare towards Serene, who barely spared her a glance.

Mr. Hudson-Odoi was ready to stand on his feet, he knew she wouldn't agree to it, he didn't know it'd turn out that ugly, he watched the girl with a hard gaze as he tapped gently on his cane, he was already losing his patience.

"It isn't that way Serene..."
King tried to explain, he looked torn apart too, he wanted to tell her he didn't want any of this, that though he thought he loved her, which he was unsure of, he wouldn't force her into anything.

"Oh shut up! I shared everything with you!"

"Serene Grace! You better watch your tone. You are marrying him and that is final!"

Serene slowly turned to the man who had spoken, she blinked slowly, and for a moment did nothing, until she suddenly burst into laughter, cold and dry laughter that rang through the room.

She rose slowly to her feet too, coming face to face with the man, all her fear towards him long forgotten, all that was left of her emotions were anger, a rage that blinded her totally.

She laughed and continued to laugh until her laughter run dry and there was nothing left of it.

"That is final!" She exclaimed and burst into another feat of laughter, the old lady shook her head slowly as she watched Serene in disbelief.

"You want me to marry your son. Okay, I will, I will marry your son, you want my parents' property, you'll never get it, I'll marry your son, you can force me to, but he'll never have my heart!"

The man was taken aback, his mouth parted in shock and his eyes widened in disbelief, his face soon morphed into anger as he tapped his cane on the tiled floor.

"You disrespect me and talk to my face. Child, do you know who I am?"

At that point, everything fell silent, a chill run down Serene spine as the magnitude of what she had done fell on her, nevertheless, she stood her ground.

"I know the kind of person you are. You should also care to know who I am because I am not going down without a fight"

With that said, Serene staggered out of the room, her heart beating so fast she feared it would tear out of her ribcage, as she staggered away from the office she found who she needed just at that moment and fell into his arms.

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