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Two Months Later....

Serene sat on her bed,  eagerness and anxiety filling her whole body, after much preparation, it was finally the day for her to leave. Excitement filled her as she thought of Ivan, she had learnt that the school she was attending was where he was also schooling and  that was where Emily too schooled.


Nothing much had changed at the Addoo Residence except for her relationship with Ivan which had flourished so much, too much that they had grown so accustomed to each other,  all in two months, he had become her anchor, like a knight in shining armor and that thought made her cheesy therefore bringing a smile on her lips,  but it faltered when she thought of how she really felt about him.

It was something she couldn't control and the more she tried to push it away and ignore it,  the more it resurfaced and became stronger,  and it was sad that he probably didn't feel the same way, though she was inexperienced,  she still wasn't ignorant about it and knew perfectly well what she felt for Ivan.

How seeing him always made her giddy, to her eyes,  he was absolutely perfect and even his imperfections made her heart flutter,  but he never noticed.

She dragged herself out of her bed as her whole body protested at the motion,  as much as she was happy about starting university, she still felt tired from all the packing and preparation, a knock on the door made her body jerk into motion, opening the door gingerly with a small frown on her face.

"Good afternoon Mi-- uh-- Serene. I'm here to get your belongings"
Serene stepped aside for the maid who quickly stepped in,  bowing her head sightly that it was almost unnoticeable.

"Afternoon to you too Akua. When is your brother leaving for school?"

Right after their relationship had grown stronger, Serene had found out that Akua was Ivan's little sister who worked part time just like Ivan did, it had made her happy but the maid couldn't help but see Serene as her madam.

"He'll be leaving tomorrow Miss"
She opened her mouth to correct herself again but stopped when Serene spoke up,  her gaze was casted to the ground as shyness took over her.

"I told you not to call me Miss, Serene is fine"

"I'm sorry, it always skips my mind"

Serene only shook her head moving to her closet,  there,  she found the dress Cassandra and Flora had picked out for her, the thought of them made her smile, the two were a load,and sometimes Serene found them overbearing,  though she couldn't deny how she was going to terribly miss them.

She dropped her outfit on the bed moving to the bathroom to get prepared, another maid had joined Akua to help with the packing.

After an hour, Serene was all done and prepared to leave for school, she stood in front of the mirror watching her reflection as tears welled up in her eyes, she knew her parents would be very proud of her,  they'd probably be watching her.

She adjusted her skirt before finally leaving her room and shutting the door behind her gently.

The old lady and Aunt Oforiwaa, both stood up when they she entered the living room, Oforiwaa smiled at her and the old lady moved towards her.

"My grandchild.." She trailed off looking at Serene with a distant gaze.

"It's a pity you look nothing like your father,  come, let's go, we don't want you to get to your hostel at a late hour for you would be exhausted after the journey, and you still would have to unpack. Do you have everything?"

"Yes I  have everything" Serene said with a low voice, her grandmother had not noticed her words had struck a cord,  even if she did, she might have done it on purpose.

She followed the two women out of the house and sat at the back seat with her aunt, the old lady sat by the driver who immediately started the car,  speeding out of the mansion and onto the road,  the rest of the journey consisted of awkward silence and small irrelevant talks.


It was past four in the evening when they finally got to their destination, Serene's heart swelled with excitement and nervousness as she stepped out of the car, the scenario was a deja vu of how she had felt and reacted when she first moved to the mansion.

She watched the big story building  with a small smile, the parking lot was filled up with cars, the chatter and sound of doors shutting making her more nervous, most students arrived at that time of the day since it was more convenient and it was the day before lectures commenced.

"Serene darling, let us find your room, and lucky for you, your roommate is the daughter of that rich man... What is his name again.. Ahaa David Mathews.. Do you know him? He used to be good friends with your late father......" 
Oforiwaa was rambling on as they walked towards the hostel, the driver and another student who volunteered to help where already taking out her belongings, Serene nodded as her aunt spoke although she barely heard  what the woman had said, the activity around her stealing her whole attention.

"Serene? Did you hear what I said?" Her aunt stopped briefly to look at her, the girl's head jerked to her as she parted her mouth to answer.

"I was telling you about your roommate"
Her aunt added.

"Oh. I uh.. I have no idea who it is going to be" Serene quickly said, hoping it would stop her aunt from talking.

"It's Mr. Mathews' daughter, you know the Mr. Mathews?"

"No" she answered with her brows furrowed, they had already gotten to the  first floor and they where following a girl who was directing them to her room, the old lady walked elegantly making it hard for her to go unnoticed, students stopped to greet her, nervously welcoming her,  telling her about how they were honored to meet her.

Soon, they stopped in front of a door,  with one knock and without waiting for response,  the old lady entered the room followed by Oforiwaa and Serene.

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