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She fell into the arms of her love, Ivan held her tightly as she sobbed yet again into his chest, making his heart break and ache again.

What could he possibly do?

He had never felt so torn apart like he felt at that moment, his eyes burned and twitched with unshed tears.

Why should he loose something he just got?

He wanted to ask her the cause of her sorrow, but he knew it wasn't the right time for that. After she had gained control over herself, he held her hand and took her away with him, far away from the office and those cruel people.

They walked in silence, not in complete silence though, since Serene kept on sniffing and hiccuping.

In the safety of his hostel room, he held her closer to him, no words were spoken as she begun to sob again, this time much quietly, Ivan kept rubbing her back, though he himself was far from comfort, his mind raced with thoughts and fear kept gripping him anytime he thought of his family's wellbeing.

Serene looked up when she knew her eyes had run out of tears, she sniffed loudly drying her eyes with the back of her hands.

"Who made my love cry? tell me and I'll make them pay"

His cheesy words made Serene smile, warmth spread through her stomach when he took her hands in his.

"What happened?" He whispered.

"They want me to marry against my will Ivan"

Ivan looked away so fast, his eyes burned and his chest felt tight and his stomach twisted.

Was he loosing already?

He noticed how her hands shook a bit in his, in a way to comfort her, he rubbed the back of her hand lovingly.

"I don't want it to happen, but I don't know what to do either"

With a sad sigh, he wrapped his arms around her shaking body,she fell into him and her sobs became louder, he felt his heart break a thousand times, the fact that he could do absolutely nothing about it irked him.

He held his love in his hands, though he wasn't sure if she belonged to him anymore, he still held her tightly like she was all he had, like he'd loose her anytime, and he was scared it come pass, a time when he wouldn't be able to hold her again, when her laughter like sweet melodies weren't towards him anymore.

He'd watch her from far away, when she'd be held by someone else.

Would she eventually give in to that person?

Because he knew he'd never stop loving Serene, a tear slipped from the corner of his eyes, it snaked slowly and painfully down his face, and before it could touch Serene's head, he quickly wiped it away and sniffed quietly.

How could he loose something he just got?

"Ivan? Are you crying too?"

She sat straight looking up at him, her brows were furrowed, tears stained cheeks and swollen eyes, a miserable look, her hands found their way to his face.

She held his face softly, gently caressing the sides of his face.

"If you cry, it'll break me.. and I'll have to hold you too, when I'm holding unto you Ivan, please don't cry"

Her words make him shut his eyes tightly, his breathing became rugged as he tried to not cry like she had pleaded.

"I'm not love, I won't I promise. I- I have to go out for a bit, I think you should rest"

He pulled her hands away from his face as he stood up, he didn't want to look at her, he didn't want to see the look on her face.
It'd break him more, it'd make him cry and then, his promise broken.

He was already out of the room before she could say anything.
She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and she stretched her hands in front of her, looking at it for the longest of time, she turned her hands, folding her fingers into a fist until she felt her palms burning from where her nails dug in dipper, and she unfolded them, blew air out her mouth as her body shook slightly.

Her eyelids were becoming heavier, with her body curled into a ball, her back ached as she waited for Ivan to return, she needed him to hold her, she was scared of closing her eyes.

What if she did and woke up the next day to find out she was already married to King?

She couldn't let that happen, she wouldn't allow them take away what belonged to her, her parents left their empire in her hands, their barrister had read the Will to her, she was going to fight for it.
She wouldn't let that happen, she had promised them she'd take over, she'd make sure to make them proud.

She wasn't giving up on her love for Ivan too, they could marry her off to stupid King, but her heart would always belong to her Ivan.

She definitely wasn't going down without a fight.

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