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The next day, the two grumpily pulled out of Ezlynn's bed, Serene had woken up with a start wondering where she was, then the memories of the previous day made her quickly sit up on the bed.

She watched Ezlynn as she slept at one corner, curled up in her sheets with a peaceful look, she barely stirred, even when Serene got out of the bed rather noisily.
Serene went to check her schedule for the day and realised she had lectures around ten in the morning, which meant plenty time to unpack the rest of the few things that were left unpacked and also preparing for the day.

She didn't know if she should wake Ezlynn up, she glanced at her sleeping figure ,  contemplating on waking her up,  but thought against it, she decided to take her bath and start off her day alone until Ezlynn woke up.

By the time she finished, Ezlynn was already up in her bed and she looked to be reading a book, Serene beamed when Ezlynn looked up from the book, glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, she returned her smile and then looked down to continue her reading.

"How's it going? I've been in this room for two days" Ezlynn spoke up.

"Hmm? How is it so?"
Serene asked her curiously.

"My cousin and friend keep me company when they don't have lectures, they also bring food,  they'll be here soon anyway"
Ezlynn said to Serene who quickly put on a short dress and sat on her bed.

"That's good news then, I'm starving and I don't think I can face a crowd with an empty stomach"

Ezlynn laughed at what she said and then went back to reading.
Minutes later, a knock rumbled on their door making them jump up in alert, Ezlynn moved to the door slowly and asked who it was.

"Open the damn door Ezlynn"  A voice said loudly from the other side, almost yelling and it made Serene flinch, Ezlynn on the other hand laughed happily as she quickly unlocked the door and opened it widely revealing two girls, Ezlynn quickly locked the door when they entered.

"I can see popularity is getting a hold on you junior" 
The first girl with long braids and a tall frame said to Ezlynn, from her tone and expressions, Serene knew she was mocking Ezlynn, the other girl with a very light skin and curly long hair moved to Serene.

"Hi. You must be Serene" she stretched her hand out for a shake, and Serene happily took it in hers shaking it gently.

"You won't stop this junior junior thing,  would you?"  Ezlynn said to the girl who had almost the same skin colour as hers.

"Oh come on junior"

"Olive!" Ezlynn threw a pillow at the girl, she dodged it and laughed as she settled on Ezlynn's bed, then her gaze swept on Serene who nervously waved.

"Hi Serene, it's nice to finally meet you,  I'm Olive, Ezlynn's cousin"

"And I'm Zara, her other half" Zara winked at Serene, making her smile brightly.

"It's nice to meet you both" Serene finally said, and the two girls immediately jerked their heads towards the sound of her voice.

"Oh my! It's like she sang the words" Zara said as she awed at Serene.

"Her voice is soo..... Uhhh"
Olive smiled at her, she thought Serene was cute and adorable.

"Has someone told you how cute and adorable you are?" Olive asked her.

"Uh yes" Serene answered her, she looked down at her palm nervously shifting on her bed, she was comfortable with them, she just wasn't used to having people around her so much.

"I told her last night" Ezlynn spoke up from where she stood in front of a pink wardrobe.

"What food did you bring?" Ezlynn asked as she begun walking towards her bed to Olive,   the girl slapped Ezlynn's behind when she passed in front of her, Ezlynn gave her her hardest glare before throwing another pillow at her.

"You both stop acting like aki and pawpaw, and we bought waakyé  on our way here"

Olive and Ezlynn stopped their banter when Zara brought out the meal and placed it on a table, they all sat together as Zara dished out the food, their stomach growling and mouths watering at the aroma that filled their nostrils.

"Serene come on, seat here, by me, I want to feed you. You are too adorable to eat by yourself, let me do that job" Olive said as she pulled Serene gently to her side, they all laughed at what she had said, she took a spoonful of rice and beans cooked together with sorghum leaves that give it that reddish brown look, the spicy aroma of the stew made Serene's mouth water, she laughed when Olive brought the spoon to her mouth telling her to eat.

"Olive is hyper today"
Zara whispered to Ezlynn who in turn giggled like a child.

"Bah! You both are just jealous because I found my new bestie, oh she's so adorable"

Olive said dramatically, making the rest laugh again, they happily ate their food whilst talking heartily, the conversation mostly revolved around Serene, and Serene felt nervous at being the center of attraction,  nevertheless,  she pushed her nervousness away savouring the happy moment of laughter and having good food, her mind kept drifting to how she was going to cope for the rest of the day, and it was unfortunate that Ezlynn offered a different course.

After they had finished their meal and cleared up, Zara helped Serene unpack the rest of her belongings, whilst Olive and Ezlynn continued their banter.
It was finally and unfortunately ten o'clock and Serene reluctantly prepared for her first lectures, as much as she was looking forward to it, she still dreaded being noticed again, so when she was finally done and Zara happily announced that she also offered architecture, Serene was more than relieved.

They all left the room, with Olive and Ezlynn deciding on going for a walk and Serene bracing herself for the day with Zara by her side.

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