"Yeah, once I get this conversation over with with Kut, I plan on talking with an attorney and move forward with custody."

"You'll definitely win." Andi assured.

"Definitely. Now can someone make me food before I have to get back to the studio?" I asked, smiling wide.

"You always hungry. You sure you're not pregnant?" Caren joked as Joie and Andi chuckled.

I found it funny myself, but when I didn't remember the last time I had to buy tampons, my smile dropped quickly being replaced with a conflicted expression.

Ohhh hell.

               I left the recording studio around two in the morning and was completely exhausted

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I left the recording studio around two in the morning and was completely exhausted. I yawned as I walked inside me and my husband's residence. My purse I carried in my hand, dragging myself upstairs. I entered the master suite, assuming my husband was sleep, but I was startled by Cairo sitting on the couch at the foot of our king bed.

My hand sat on my chest. "You scared me."

"How was the studio?" his deep, baritone asked.

"It was good..." I swallowed squeezing the strap of my purse. "Uhm, I left for a moment to see Caren. Y-you know, her and Xavier are getting a divorce. I had to check on her."

"Had is more like an obligation." Cairo stood up coming my way. "You wasn't obligated to do nothing. You wanted to do it instead of worrying about recording the EP you wanted."

"Baby, I-I did. That's why I'm home this late. I went back and recorded. I have twelve songs now. We just have to choose witch ones we want."

Cairo eyed me coldly. "When I tell you to have to ass at the studio and record, that's where the fuck you should be. You understand me?"

"Y-yes, I'm sorry." I apologized promptly.

"Gimme yo keys." I placed the car keys of my vehicle in his hand. "Now go wash up and come lay down."

I didn't respond, I just nod my head and went to our bathroom. I closed the door for my privacy and locked it quietly. I opened the glass door of the shower, turning the knob, and water sprayed out of the square shape shower head. I pulled out the rectangle box from my purse eyeing the First Response pregnancy test. Every since Caren mentioned me being pregnant, I took it seriously and bought a test.

I had the urge to urinate, so I hovered over the toilet and released, the testing stick there to catch it. I placed it on top of its box and cleaned myself up. I was nervous for the results, so I occupied my time with undressing, covering my hair with a bonnet, and stepped in the shower.

My mind was all over the place as I lathered my body with Dove body wash and exfoliating with the same brand body polish. When I was done, I put on my robe and approached the test. The results raced my heart. I could hear footfalls approaching the door, so I quickly wrapped the test and box in tissue and tossed it underneath the sink in the cabinet with the cleaning supplies.

The knock on the bath door scared me. "Yeah?"

The door knob rattled, causing me to remember I locked the door. I unlocked it and Cairo eyed me with confusion. "Why the door locked?"

"Sorry, it's a habit."

Cairo pushed door open more, looking in and back to me. "Come outta here."

I threw my clothes in the hamper before coming out. He shut off the light and closed the door, as I moisturized my entire body and dressed in sleepwear. I finally lay down close by my husband, laying my head on his chest and tossed my leg across his stomach.

Cairo snuggled me, kissing my forehead as I say, "Tonya called. She retrieved the egg. Now we wait."

"Yeah, she called me."

I nodded and close my eyes on his chest. "You say Caren leaving Xavier, or he leaving her?"

"She's leaving him."

Cairo didn't respond, or at least I think he didn't since I fell asleep. .

I felt the bed dip in beside me, ignoring it until I heard the sound of something clicking and opened my eyes to the barrel of a gun pointed at me. Gasping hard, I pulled back on the headboard, my heart racing.


"Shut up." he eyed me darkly, "You think you gonna leave me?"


"You lockin' the door, acting funny..." he placed the gun on my abdomen making me breath shakily. "You thinkin' cause Caren leaving Xavier that you gon' do the same? I'll take yo life before you ever leave me. I'll beat the charges like I've done before. I know you left the studio to talk to yo girls and opened yo mouth. They nosy ass gone put a battery in yo back and tell you to leave me too?"

"No, baby, I promise." I cried.

Cairo eyed me intently. He unexpectedly pulled the trigger and shrieked. I shook violently, and didn't feel a burning sensation. He pulled the gun back and smirked. That's when I realized there was no bullets in the gun.

I was relieved, but my body wouldn't stop shaking.

"Next time, it will be bullets in it." Cairo stood as he stared down at me. "Don't try to be brave like ya girl cause unlike Xavier, I kill you before I allow you to leave me and be with somebody else."

I watched Cairo disappear behind the bathroom door and when it closed, I start to hyperventilate and covered my mouth as I silently cried.

I could've been dead and no one would've known.


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